HTML - start Attribute

HTML start attribute specifies the initial value of the ordered list in numeric form.

This value should always be an integer, even when the numbering type is letters or romans. For example, to start counting list items from the letter "A" or the roman number "I", use start = "5" if you wants to start the list number from 5.


<ol start ="number">

Applies on

The below-listed elements allow the use of the HTML start attribute.

Element Description
<ol> HTML <ol> tag is used to create an ordered list.

Examples of HTML start Attribute

Bellow examples will illustrate the HTML srcset attribute, where and how we should use this attribute!

Manual staring value of Order List

On running the below code, output window will display the list items with numbering that starts from 5.

<!DOCTYPE html>

   <title>HTML start attribute </title>

   <p>Technical Career Profiles</p>
   <ol start="5">
      <li>Technical content Engineer</li>
      <li>Front-End Developer</li>
      <li>Back-End Developer</li>
      <li>Software Engineer</li>
      <li>Graphics Designer</li>


Satrting value of Roman listing

In the following examples we will create roman listing here we can also start from a particular roman number as well.

<!DOCTYPE html>

   <title>HTML start attribute </title>

   <p>Technical Career Profiles</p>
   <ol start="5" type="i">
      <li>Technical content Engineer</li>
      <li>Front-End Developer</li>
      <li>Back-End Developer</li>
      <li>Software Engineer</li>
      <li>Graphics Designer</li>


Satrting value of Alphabet listing

In the following examples we will create roman listing here we can also start from a particular alphabet as well.

<!DOCTYPE html>

   <title>HTML start attribute </title>
   <p>Technical Career Profiles</p>
   <ol start="5" type="a">
      <li>Technical content Engineer</li>
      <li>Front-End Developer</li>
      <li>Back-End Developer</li>
      <li>Software Engineer</li>
      <li>Graphics Designer</li>


Supported Browsers

Attribute Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
start Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes