ReactJS - testInstance.findAll() Method

The function testInstance.findAll(test) is a synthetic or general image of a method that could exist in a programming context. The testInstance represents an instance or object in a program. The term 'testInstance' is simply a placeholder and should be changed with the real name of the instance with which we are working. The findAll method or function can be called on the testInstance object. It means that we want to locate or collect something based on a specific condition.




test − As an argument, we pass another function called test. This is a function defined somewhere else in our code. This function checks whether a specific condition is met for each item in the collection.

Return Value

The findAll method returns a collection, like an array, list, or another data structure, containing all the items from testInstance that meet the conditions defined in the test function.


Example − Filtering Todo List

First we will create an app in which we will have a TodoList component. This component provides a simple todo list with the ability to filter and display completed or non-completed todos based on user input. So the code for this app is as follows −


import React, { useState } from 'react';

const TodoList = ({ todos }) => {
   const [showCompleted, setShowCompleted] = useState(false);
   // findAll method
   const findAll = (testFunction) => (todos || []).filter(testFunction);
   const test = (todo) => {
      return showCompleted ? todo.completed : !todo.completed;
   const filteredTodos = findAll(test);
   return (
            onChange={() => setShowCompleted(!showCompleted)}
            Show Completed
            { => (
               <li key={}>{todo.text}</li>

export default TodoList;


show completed

The component shows a checkbox that allows us to choose between showing completed and non completed tasks. The filtered todos are then displayed in an unordered list.

Example − Filtering Product App

In this example we will create a ProductList component. This component provides a simple product list with the ability to filter and display products as per the selected category. Users can choose a category from the dropdown, and the list updates accordingly.


import React, { useState } from 'react';

const ProductList = ({ products }) => {
   const [selectedCategory, setSelectedCategory] = useState('all');
   // findAll method
   const findAll = (testFunction) => (products || []).filter(testFunction);
   const test = (product) => {
      return selectedCategory === 'all' || product.category === selectedCategory;
   const filteredProducts = findAll(test);
   return (
            Select Category:
               onChange={(e) => setSelectedCategory(}
               <option value="all">All</option>
               <option value="electronics">Electronics</option>
               <option value="clothing">Clothing</option>
            { => (
               <li key={}>{}</li>

export default ProductList;


select category

Example − Filtering Users List

In this app, UserList is a functional component that accepts a prop called users, and an array of user items.The findAll method filters users as per the provided testFunction. It checks if the user is undefined or null and uses an empty array in that cases. The test function is used as the filtering criteria. It checks whether to show active users (showActive === true) or inactive users.


import React, { useState } from 'react';

const UserList = ({ users }) => {
   const [showActive, setShowActive] = useState(true);
   // findAll method
   const findAll = (testFunction) => (users || []).filter(testFunction);
   const test = (user) => {
      return showActive ? user.status === 'active' : user.status === 'inactive';
   const filteredUsers = findAll(test);
   return (
               onChange={() => setShowActive(!showActive)}
            Show Active Users
            { => (
               <li key={}>{}</li>

export default UserList;


show active users

Overall, this component provides a simple user list that can be filtered and shown based on active/inactive status. Users can toggle the checkbox to display active or inactive users.


The findAll method provides a convenient way to filter and collect items from a larger set based on specific criteria defined in the test function. The actual result is a new collection containing only the items that pass the test. So we have seen different apps using this function to get the practical exposure of this method in testing.
