HTML - title Attribute

HTML title attribute is used to provide additional information about an element, usually displayed as a tooltip when the user hovers over the element.

By providing clear explanations or tooltips, this attribute is beneficial for accessibility and improving the user experience. It helps improve accessibility and clarity for all users and can be used by web developers to provide helpful context or explanations for things on a webpage.


<element title="text">

This attribute accept text as values.

Applies on

Since style is a global attribute in HTML, all the non structural tags supports title attribute. Some exceptions are <html>, <head>, <title> etc as they are structural elements.

Example of HTML title Attribute

Below examples will illustrate the HTML title attribute, where and how we should use this attribute!

Define title for a paragraph

In the following example, let’s see the working of title attributes in an HTML document. In the output when you hover over the paragraph tag, the title is displayed.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <h3>Example of title Attribute</h3>
    <p title="HTML title Attribute Description">
        HTML title attribute is used to provide 
        additional information about an element,
        usually displayed as a tooltip when the 
        user hovers over the element.


Title for iframe Element

Considering, the following example where we are going to use the title attribute with the iframe.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <h3>Example of title Attribute</h3>
        Use the <code>title</code> attribute on an 
        <code>iframe</code> to clearly identify the 
        content of the <code>iframe</code> to screen readers.
        If you hove over the top edge of the frame you 
        will the value of title attribute value
    <iframe title="Wikipedia page for the HTML language" 

Inheritance of title attribute

In the following scenario, we are going to observe the inheritance of the title attribute. Parent tags title can be inherited to child tag if no title mentioned for title tag.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <div title="CoolTip">
            Hovering here will show "CoolTip".
        <p title=""> 
            Hovering here will show nothing. 


Supported Browsers

Attribute Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
title Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes