• JavaScript Video Tutorials

JavaScript Number NEGATIVE_INFINITY Property

The JavaScript Number NEGATIVE_INFINITY is a static data property that represents the negative infinity value. The negative infinity value in JavaScript is the same as the negative value of the global "Infinity" property.

If you try to access it using x.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, where 'x', is a variable, it will return undefined.

Here are some key points about the NEGATIVE_INFINITY property −

  • If the negative infinity is multiplied by NaN, the result will be NaN.
  • When a negative infinity is multiplied by a positive infinity, the result will always be a negative infinity.
  • If a negative infinity is multiplied by itself, then the result will always be positive infinity.
  • Negative infinity, divided by positive infinity or by itself will return NaN.
  • When Negative infinity is divided by a negative number except for negative infinity itself will always give positive infinity.
  • If it is divided by a positive number except for the positive infinity, it will always return negative infinity.


Following is the syntax of JavaScript Number NEGATIVE_INFINITY property −



  • It does not accept any parameters.

Return value

This property has no return value.

Example 1

The following program demonstrates the usage of the JavaScript Number NEGATIVE_INFINITY property. It will return '-Infinity' for Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.

<title>JavaScript Number NEGATIVE_INFINITY Property</title>
   document.write("Negative infinity = ", Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);


The above program returns the negative infinity as '-infinity'.

Negative infinity = -Infinity

Example 2

If you try to access this property using any variable, it returns undefined.

The following is another example of the JavaScript Number NEGATIVE_INFINITY property. Here, we are trying to find the negative infinity by using x.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, where "x" is a variable with the value 2.

<title>JavaScript Number NEGATIVE_INFINITY Property</title>
   let x = 2;
   document.write("x = ", x);
   document.write("<br>Negative infinity = ", x.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);


This will return 'undefined' for x.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.

x = 2
Negative infinity = undefined

Example 3

If you multiply the Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY property with zero, the result will be NaN (Not a Number).

<title>JavaScript Number NEGATIVE_INFINITY Property</title>
   document.write("Result of 'Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY * 0' = ", Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY * 0);


The above program returns 'NaN' in the output −

Result of 'Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY * 0' = NaN

Example 4

In this example, we use the Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY property to check if a number is equal to negative infinity. If it is, we return a statement; otherwise, we return the number itself.

<title>JavaScript Number NEGATIVE_INFINITY Property</title>
   function check(num){
      if(num == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY){
         return "Number is equal to Negative infinity...!";
         return num;
   //call the function
   document.write("Result of check(-Number.MAX_VALUE) is: ", check(-Number.MAX_VALUE));
   document.write("<br>Result of check(-Number.MAX_VALUE * 2) is: ", check(-Number.MAX_VALUE*2));


The above program returns output based on the satisfied condition −

Result of check(-Number.MAX_VALUE) is: -1.7976931348623157e+308
Result of check(-Number.MAX_VALUE * 2) is: Number is equal to Negative infinity...!