• JavaScript Video Tutorials

JavaScript Number MAX_VALUE Property

The JavaScript Number MAX_VALUE property returns the maximum numeric value possible in JavaScript. If a value is larger than the MAX_VALUE, it will be represented as 'infinity' and lose its actual numeric value.

It is a static property of the Number object. You always use it as a "Number.MAX_VALUE", rather than as a property of a number value. If you use x.MAX_VALUE, where 'x' is a variable, it will return 'undefined'.


Following is the syntax of JavaScript Number MAX_VALUE property −



  • It does not accept any parameters.

Return value

It returns the maximum numeric value representable in JavaScript i.e "1.7976931348623157E+308".

Example 1

The following example demonstrates the usage of the JavaScript Number MAX_VALUE property.

<title>JavaScript MAX_VALUE</title>
   document.write("MAX_VALUE = ", Number.MAX_VALUE);


The above program returns the max value as "1.7976931348623157e+308".

MAX_VALUE = 1.7976931348623157e+308

Example 2

If you try to access the MAX_VALUE property using a variable (e.g. x.MAX_VALUE), the output would be "undefined".

<title>JavaScript MAX_VALUE</title>
   let x = 20;
   document.write("Variable value = ", x);
   document.write("<br>MAX_VALUE = ", x.MAX_VALUE);


Once the above program is executed, it will return an 'undefined'.

Variable value = 20
MAX_VALUE = undefined

Example 3

If the value is larger than the possible MAX_VALUE, the value will be represented as "infinity" in the output and will loose its actual value.

<title>JavaScript MAX_VALUE</title>
   function multi(a, b){
      if((a * b)> Number.MAX_VALUE){
         return "Infinity....!";
         return a * b;
   var m_val = 1.7976931348623157E+308;
   var n1 = 1;
   var n2 = 2;
   document.write("value of ", m_val , " x ", n1 , " = ", multi(m_val, n1));
   document.write("<br>value of ", m_val , " x ", n2 , " = ", multi(m_val, n2));


After executing the above program, it will return an "Infinity".

value of 1.7976931348623157e+308 x 1 = 1.7976931348623157e+308
value of 1.7976931348623157e+308 x 2 = Infinity....!