ReactJS - testRenderer.getInstance() Method

The concept we will talk about in this tutorial is known as testRenderer.getInstance().

testRenderer.getInstance() functions as a debugging tool for developers. Suppose we are creating a website or an app and want to learn more about the key component of our creation - the root element. This tool will assist us in doing this task.

In simple words, the testRenderer.getInstance() function is a tool that helps developers understand and inspect the main component of what they are creating, but it has limits when dealing with objects formed by function components.




No parameters needed for this method. When we use this method, we do not need to give it any special instructions or information.

Return Value

The testRenderer.getInstance() method returns the root element’s instance. In simple terms, it provides an in-depth understanding or snapshot of the key elements of what developers are creating.



In this example, we will have a simple app that shows a list of characters. To get information about the root element, which is the CharacterList component, we will use testRenderer.getInstance(). And we will use a simplified render function for illustration purposes.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

// React component
function CharacterList({ characters }) {
   return (
         <h1>List of Characters</h1>
            {characters &&, index) => (
               <li key={index}>{character}</li>
export default CharacterList;
// Function to render a React component
function render(element) {
   const container = document.createElement('div');
   ReactDOM.render(element, container);
   return {
      getInstance: () => container.firstChild,

// list of characters
const characters = ['Ankit', 'Babita', 'Chetan'];

// Render the characters using React
const testRenderer = render(<CharacterList characters={characters} />);

// Use testRenderer.getInstance() to get details
const characterListInstance = testRenderer.getInstance();

// Display information about the root element
console.log(`Details about CharacterList: `, characterListInstance);


details about characterlist

So after running the app we can see on the console the List of Characters and inside the list we can see three elements.

Example − Counter App

In this app, the Counter component renders a counter with increment and decrement buttons. We will use testRenderer.getInstance() to interact with the rendered component, simulating a click on the Increment button. So the code for this app is as follows −

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

// Counter component
function Counter() {
   const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
   const increment = () => {
      setCount(count + 1);
   const decrement = () => {
      setCount(count - 1);
   return (
         <h1>Counter App</h1>
         <p>Count: {count}</p>
         <button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>
         <button onClick={decrement}>Decrement</button>

export default Counter;
// Function to render a React component
function render(element) {
   const container = document.createElement('div');
   ReactDOM.render(element, container);
   return {
      getInstance: () => container.firstChild,

// Render the Counter component using React
const testRenderer = render(<Counter />);

// interacting with the counter

// Use testRenderer.getInstance()
const counterInstance = testRenderer.getInstance();

// Display information about the root element
console.log(`Details about Counter: `, counterInstance);


counter app


As a result, testRenderer.getInstance() is a developer tool that allows them to explore the main component of their project in more detail. It functions similarly to a magnifying glass, although it cannot collect characters from functional components. Understanding this concept helps developers to create more effective and efficient websites and apps.
