ReactJS - findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag()

In React, there is a useful function called findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(). This function works like a special detective, searching through our app's virtual world for the particular component known as a tag.

When we use findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(), we are telling our computer program to locate a specific tag in the application's virtual representation, which is known as the DOM (Document Object Model).

The function checks for that exact tag. The most interesting part is that it expects to find exactly one match. If there are more than one or none, it throws an exception.




tree − This acts as a map of our virtual environment, displaying all of the elements and how they are linked.

tagName − It is the name of the tag we are looking for in our virtual environment.

Return Value

The function findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag() gives a single result. When we use this function, we are telling our computer program to locate a specific HTML tag (like div>, <span>, etc.) in our app's DOM. The method expects to identify only one match for the provided tag. If it detects more than one or none, it throws an exception, indicating that something is not as it should be.


Example − Find a Heading

Let us say we have a virtual book, and we want to find the title, which is a heading (h1) tag. So for doing this task we will use findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(tree, 'h1'). So below is the code for this application −

// Import required libraries
import React from 'react';
import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
import { findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag } from 'testing-library';

// App component
const App = () => {
   return (
         <h1>Title of the Book</h1>

// Test case
const { container } = render(<App1 />);
const headingElement = findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(container, 'h1');


Title of the Book

The goal of this program is to find and display that title by using the findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag() function. When we ask the application to locate the heading (h1 tag), it should return the phrase "Title of the Book."

Example − Locating Buttons

Let's imagine we have a bunch of buttons in this application. To find and interact with a specific button, use findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(tree, 'button').

// Import necessary libraries
import React from 'react';
import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
import { findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag } from 'testing-library';

// App component
const App = () => {
   return (
         <button onClick={() => console.log('Button 1 is clicked')}>Button 1</button>
         <button onClick={() => console.log('Button 2 is clicked')}>Button 2</button>

// Test case
const { container } = render(<App />);
const buttonElement = findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(container, 'button');; 


Button 1 is clicked

There are two buttons in the program, one labeled "Button 1" and the other "Button 2." The goal here is to find and interact with these buttons using the findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag() function. When we press the button, it should display a message such as "Button 1 is clicked."

Example 3

Let's create an application in which we have some images. To locate a specific image we will use findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(tree, 'img').

// Import required libraries
import React from 'react';
import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
import { findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag } from 'testing-library';

// App component
const App = () => {
   return (
         <img src="image1.jpg" alt="This is Image 1" />
         <img src="image2.jpg" alt="This is Image 2" />

// Test case
const { container } = render(<App />);
const imageElement = findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(container, 'img');


This is Image 1

In this application there are two photos, each of which shows something different. The aim is to identify and display information about these images using the findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag() function. When we find an image, for example, it should inform us what it is. If it is the first image, it can say something like, "This is Image 1."


The findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag() method acts as a digital explorer, helping us in locating specific items in our app's virtual environment. It ensures we get exactly what we want. So this feature makes our coding experience easy. Remember to use it carefully and expect it to find only one thing. It will notify us if there is more or less.
