• JavaScript Video Tutorials

JavaScript - Set.delete() Method

The JavaScript Set.delete() method is used to delete a specified value from a set. This method returns a Boolean value as a result: "true" if the element with the specified value was found and deleted, and "false" if the element with the specified value was not found.


Following is the syntax of JavaScript Set.delete() method −



This method accepts the following parameter −

  • value − The value of the element to be deleted from the set.

Return value

This method returns a Boolean value as a result.


Example 1

In the following example, we are using the JavaScript Set.delete() method to delete the element "Orange" from the set −

      let fruits = new Set(['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange']);
      document.write(fruits.delete('Orange'), "<br>");
      document.write(`Result: ${[...fruits]}`);

If we execute the above program, it returns true because the element "Orange" is present in the set and has been removed.

Example 2

Here, we are deleting the element "Grapes" which is not present in the set −

      let fruits = new Set(['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange']);
      document.write(fruits.delete('Grapes'), "<br>");
      document.write(`Result: ${[...fruits]}`);

As we can see in the output, it returns false because the element "Grapes" is present in the set.
