HTML - <noembed> Tag

HTML <noembed> tag is used to handle browsers which do not support the <embed> tag. The <noembed> tag makes it easy to supply alternative content that tells users what they are missing.

This tag is no longer recommended as it is deprecated and not supported in the HTML5.


<noembed> .. </noembed>


The HTML noembed tag does not accepts any attribute.

Examples of HTML noembed Tag

Bellow example will illustrate the usage of noembed tag. Where, when and how to use noembed tag to when the embed tag is not supported by the browser.

Alternative Content if embed Failed

Consider the following example, where we are going to use alternate contain in text forn in the <noembed> tag if the browser fialed to support the embed tag.

<!DOCTYPE html>

   <title>HTML noembed Tag</title>

   <embed src=
     width="300" height="100">
         Your Browsers does not Support Embed Tag


Alternative image if embed Failed

Consider the following example, where we are going to use alternate image in the <noembed> tag if the browser fialed to support the embed tag.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>HTML noembed Tag</title>
   <embed src=
    width="300" height="100">
      <img src=
    alt="Alternative Media">

Supported Browsers

Tag Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
noembed Yes 1.0 Yes 12.0 Yes 1.0 Yes 4.0 Yes 15.0