HTML - <nobr> Tag

HTML <nobr> tag is used to instruct the browser not to break the specified text (such as the usual line wrap that occurs at the right edge of the browser window).

This is used with the <wbr> tag, <wbr> advises the extended browser when it may insert a line break in an otherwise nonbreakable sequence of text. Unlike the <br> tag, which always causes a line break, even within a <nobr>- tagged segment, the <wbr> tag works only when placed inside a <nobr>- tagged content segment and causes a line break only if the current line has already extended beyond the browser's display window margins.

This tag is no longer recommended as it is deprecated and not supported in the HTML5. Instead you can use the CSS property.


<nobr> Statement </nobr>


HTML nobr tag supports Global attributes of HTML.

Examples of HTML nobr Tag

Bellow example will illustrate the usage of nobr tag. Where, when and how to use nobr tag to continue the sentence.

No break Statement

Consider the following example, where we are going to use the <nobr> tag on a sentence.

<!DOCTYPE html>

      <title>HTML nobr Tag</title>

      <h3>Normal Paragraph</h3>
         This is a very long sequence of text that
         is forced to be on a single line, even if 
         doing so causes the browser 
         to extend the document window beyond the 
         size of the viewing pane and the poor user 
         must scroll right to read the
         entire line.
      <h3>No Break Paragraph</h3>
         This is a very long sequence of text that
         is forced to be on a single line, even if 
         doing so causes the browser 
         to extend the document window beyond the 
         size of the viewing pane and the poor user 
         must scroll right to read the
         entire line.


No break Statement within blockquote

As we know that blockquote element wrap the text and do not allow scrolling when the non breable sentence arrived, it forcefully break the sentence, but with nobr tah it has no effect.

<!DOCTYPE html>

      <title>HTML nobr Tag</title>
      blockquote {
          width: 200px;

      <h3>No Break Paragpagh with Blockquote</h3>
         This is a very long sequence of text that
         is forced to be on a single line, even if 
         doing so causes the browser 
         to extend the document window beyond the 
         size of the viewing pane and the poor user 
         must scroll right to read the
         entire line.
         This is a very long sequence of text that
         is forced to be on a single line, even if 
         doing so causes the browser 
         to extend the document window beyond the 
         size of the viewing pane and the poor user 
         must scroll right to read the
         entire line.


Supported Browsers

Tag Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
nobr Yes 1.0 Yes 12.0 Yes 1.0 Yes 4.0 Yes 15.0