HTML - <frame> Tag

HTML <frame> tag is used to specify each frame within a frameset tag before releasing the HTML5. Each frame was capable of loading content independalty.

This tag is not supported in HTML5 we will recoment you to use HTML <iframe> tag


< frame src = "URL" >  


HTML frame tag supports Global and Event attributes of HTML. Accept some specific attributes as well which is listed below.

Attribute Value Description
src URL Specifies the path of of the document which will render in the frame.(Deprecated)
name text Specifies the labeling of the frame.(Deprecated)
scrolling yes
Specifies scrolling is allowed or not.(Deprecated)
marginheight pixels Define the height of the margin of that frame.(Deprecated)
marginwidth pixels Define the width of the margin of that frame.(Deprecated)
frameborder 0
Specifies the border on state or off state.(Deprecated)

Examples of HTML frame Tag

Below examples will illustarte the HTML <frame> tag, we highly recommend you to use <iframe> in these scenario to avoide future conflicts of not supporting frames.

Implement frames using frame Tag

In this example we are creating a frame element using the frame tag and we are going to render out home page in that frame.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>HTML frame Tag</title>
   <frameset cols = "200, *">
      <frame src = "/html/menu.htm" name = "menu_page" />
      <frame src = "/html/main.htm" name = "main_page" />

Create Horizontal frames

To create horizontal frames we can use rows attribute. If we can manipulate the row attribute the we will able to create horizontal frames as well.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>HTML frame Tag</title>
   <frameset rows = "30%, 70%">
      <frame src = "/html/menu.htm" name = "menu_page" />
      <frame src = "/html/main.htm" name = "main_page" />

Supported Browsers

Tag Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
frame Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes