HTML - <big> Tag

HTML <big> tag is used to render bigger text or keyword from any pragarph. This tag is no longer recommended. Instead you can use the CSS property by selecting that text or keyword from that paragraph using <span> tag.

This tag is deprecated, still some browsers might support it but use CSS to rnder biger text.




HTML frameset tag supports Global attributes of HTML.

Examples of HTML big Tag

Below examples will illustrate the HTML big tag, and we will use alternate option of big tag as well.

Define big Element

In the following example we will place a keyword inside the big tag so the keyword can render in bigger mode compare to the surrounding content.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>HTML big Tag</title>

         <big>Tutorialpoint</big> Simply Easy Learning

Comparing Normal Tect with Big Text

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>HTML big Tag</title>

         Tutorialpoint - Simply Easy Learning
         <big>Tutorialpoint - Simply Easy Learning</big> 

Supported Browsers

Tag Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
big Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes