Python os.stat_float_times() Method

Python method stat_float_times() determines whether stat_result represents time stamps as float objects.

The stat_float_times() method of the Python os module is deprecated. It will not be available in future versions of Python.


Following is the syntax for Python os.stat_float_times() method −



The Python os.stat_float_times() method accepts a single parameter −

  • newvalue − If newvalue is True, future calls to stat() return floats, if it is False, future call on stat returns ints. If newvalue is not mentioned, it returns the current settings.

Return Value

The Python os.stat_float_times() method returns either True or False.


The following example shows the usage of stat_float_times() method.

import os, sys

# Stat information
statinfo = os.stat('')

print statinfo
statinfo = os.stat_float_times()
print statinfo

When we run above program, it produces following result −

posix.stat_result(st_mode=33188, st_ino=3940649674337682L, st_dev=277923425L, 
st_nlink=1, st_uid=400, st_gid=401, st_size=335L, st_atime=1330498089, st_mtime=13
30498089, st_ctime=1330498089)