Verbal Ability - Quantifiers Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Quantifiers. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - ... Priyabrat ... Megha call themselves our friends, but ... of them likes us.

A - Both / and / either

B - Neither / nor / both

C - Both / and / neither

D - Either / or / all

Answer : C


"Neither, nor" is used to deny two choices.

Q 2 - There were ... people on the beach, so nobody saw the child drowning.

A - a few

B - fewer

C - few

D - very little

Answer : C


"Few" is used for almost zero quantities of countable nouns.

Q 3 - We have ... blueberry syrup

A - a bar of

B - a plate of

C - a bottle of

D - a bucket of

Answer : C


Blueberry syrup is stored in bottles.

Q 4 - There isn't ... alcohol used in this dish.

A - a few

B - many

C - an

D - any

Answer : D


"Any" is used to inquire if some quantity of the desired object is used or not.

Q 5 - You should eat ... egg every day.

A - an

B - a few

C - a

D - any

Answer : A


The word "egg" starts with a vowel sound and is mentioned as a singular quantity, hence ‘an’.

Q 6 - We have ... blueberries here.

A - a little

B - a lot of

C - any

D - too much

Answer : B


"Plenty, a lot of, lots of" is used for large quantities of both countable and uncountable nouns.

Q 7 - He has delivered his assignments in three …

A - lots

B - a dozen of

C - a bunch of

D - a pinch of

Answer : A


"Lots" is a vague unit of measurement that changes as per requirement.

Q 8 - Rajat has … regards for what other think. He wants his cake his way.

A - A little

B - A few

C - Few

D - Little

Answer : D


"Little" is used for almost zero quantity of uncountable objects.

Q 9 - This will be a five-pound cake, so I will be using … of flour.

A - Plenty of

B - Some

C - Few

D - Little

Answer : A


"Plenty of" is used to denote a big amount of both countable and uncountable objects.

Q 10 - I think you are going to get … compliments.

A - Much

B - Some

C - Many

D - Little

Answer : C


"Many" is used to ask a question or give an idea on the number of countable objects.
