Verbal Ability - Conditionals Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Conditionals. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - If it rains, you ... wet.

A - will get

B - would get

C - get

D - had got

Answer : A


If the main clause has action word in simple future or present modal (can, must, etc.), the conditional clause will have verb in simple present. And, vice versa.

Q 2 - You will catch the train if you ... earlier

A - left

B - leaves

C - would leave

D - leave

Answer : D


If the main clause has action word in simple future or present modal (can, must, etc.), the conditional clause will have verb in simple present. And, vice versa.

Q 3 - If I ... a computer, it would do everything for me.

A - would have

B - had

C - had had

D - will have

Answer : B


If the main clause has the action word in past modal, the conditional clause will have verb in simple past. And, vice versa.

Q 4 - John ... on the light if it had been dark.

A - would turn

B - turned

C - would have turned

D - turns

Answer : C


If the main clause has action word in future perfect, the conditional clause will have verb in past perfect. And, vice versa.

Q 5 - She would succeed in the test if she ... harder.

A - had studied

B - studied

C - didn’t studied

D - studies

Answer : B


If the main clause has the action word in past modal, the conditional clause will have verb in simple past. And, vice versa.

Q 6 - If I ... you, I wouldn't ask so many questions.

A - was

B - were

C - would

D - am

Answer : B


If the main clause has the action word in past modal, the conditional clause will have verb in simple past. And, vice versa.

Q 7 - Would you go out more often if you ... so much in the house?

A - don’t have

B - didn’t have to do

C - hadn’t had to do

D - wouldn’t had to do

Answer : B


If the main clause has the action word in past modal, the conditional clause will have verb in simple past. And, vice versa.

Q 8 - If I went anywhere, it ... New Zealand.

A - would be

B - will be

C - were

D - was

Answer : A


If the main clause has the action word in past modal, the conditional clause will have verb in simple past. And, vice versa.

Q 9 - If you like, you ... for two days.

A - can stay

B - might stay

C - staying

D - will stay

Answer : A


If the main clause has action word in simple future or present modal (can, must, etc), the conditional clause will have verb in simple present. And, vice versa.

Q 10 - If you ... for a little moment, I'll tell the doctor you are here.

A - wait

B - will

C - had

D - have

Answer : A


If the main clause has action word in simple future or present modal (can, must, etc.), the conditional clause will have verb in simple present. And, vice versa.
