Statement and Arguments Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Statement and Arguments. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 1 - Statement: Should Sin tax be included in GST?


I. Yes, everyone and every product have right to equality.

II. No, as it is bad for society, there should be cascading of tax on it. So that people will be reluctant to use it.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : B


Argument II is strong about Sin tax. However; argument I is very weak to support this statement.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 2 - Statement: Can a normal person lead happy life by marrying a celebrity?


I. Yes, they get respect, money, and fame.

II. No, they do not get respect from family members.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : D


None of the above arguments and strong and logical enough to support the statement.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 3 - Statement: Should sewage water be dumped into the nearby river?


I. Yes it will be easy.

II. No, it will pollute the water and imbalance the water ecological system.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : B


Drainage of water has many options. Dumping into river is not wise as ecological balance will be disturbed.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 4 - Statement: Should government put more focus on hockey, rather than cricket or any other sport?


I. Yes hockey is our national game.

II. No it is not that much popular as cricket yet.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : A


The thing is not important, whether the sport is popular or not. Hockey is our national game, hence; should be given importance.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 5 - Statement: Should philanthropy activity be checked seriously by government?


I. Yes, there might be the cases of money laundering where black money is converted into white money.

II. No, it may create rage among poor people who are getting benefit from it.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : A


Argument I is strong as money laundering may be present over there. But argument II is not strong enough.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 6 - Statement: Should our government. declare national holidays on death of popular national personalities?


I. Yes, we must respect the departed soul for their contributions.

II. No, these extra holidays may check national growth.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : B


If we will think about Indian economy, extra holidays will hamper national progress. Hence argument II is strong.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 7 - Statement: Is demanding heavy prices for original paintings of dead painters justified?


I. Yes, those are masterpieces and unrepeatable as the painter is dead so it must have higher prices.

II. No, modern time painters can also paint paintings so it is not required to demand big price for old ones.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : A


Argument I is strong because old paintings are unique and unattainable.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 8 - Statement: Should all competitive examinations for selecting candidates for job must be online?


I. Yes, this will reduce paperwork and is beneficial for environment.

II. Yes, this process will be transparent and corruption free.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : E


Both the arguments are strong in context of the statement.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 9 - Statement: Will the polavaram dispute be settled down at last?


I. Yes, the politicians of Andhra and Odisha will come together and solve it.

II. No, both the states have their own interests regarding polavaram.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : C


Here either the argument I or II is strong. It depends on politicians whether they want to solve it immediately or want to delay it.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 10 - Statement: Should all the medicines that are manufactured at the western part of India be tried at sample basis before giving up license to sell fully in country?


I. Yes, because according the age group, the doses may vary.

II. No, practically this is not possible to implement.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : A


Health of the citizens should be the first priority over others.
