Passage and Conclusions Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Passage and Conclusions. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers


In India, urban expansion is happening at good rate but urban services have not expanded fast enough to cope with it. In the urban area, both the public and private infrastructure quality has declined. Public includes water and sewage systems and private includes low income area housing and others. It seems clear about the impact of the environment in which we and our children live. The rise in absolute poverty and decline in average food availability are pointing in the same unsatisfactory directions.

Conclusion −

Q 1 - The environment around us plays an important role on the health status.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (a)


The passage has mentioned that environment plays an important role on health status. Hence the conclusion definitely follows.


There are some controversies regarding the number of people below the poverty line in our country. A person`s nutritional requirement in terms of calories is main criteria to decide poverty line. It is assumed that minimum nutritional requirement per person per day is 2400 calories in rural areas and in urban areas it is 2200 calories. A household is categorised as BPL if it is unable to bear the expenditure for this level of nutrition. There is also a point that along with calories. The amount of protein intake must also be treated as criterion as it is related to physical energy, mental alertness and resistance to infection.

Conclusion −

Q 2 - In our country poverty alleviation programme can only succeed if we reach agreement about the poverty line.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (c)


Nothing has been discussed in the passage about poverty line.


In India the viewers are delighted and politicians are feared realising the power of video which is initiated by the video magazine. This is a cultural revolution. The first one to start was news track. It was highlighted that the largest selling video magazine sells about 22,000 copies of its monthly 90min cassettes at Rs. 150 per piece. Also its viewership is estimated to be five to six million.

Conclusion −

Q 3 - Every month all video magazines are brought out at least once.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (c)


The data here is inadequate.


“Turkey votes for Islam!” “Islam wins ! America loses!” this is how the Muslim world greeted the news on November 1 that turkey`s ruling party, the Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP), won an unexpected landslide victory in the country`s snap elections, commanding just more than 49 % of the vote. Across Europe, Turkish immigrations voted massively for the AKP. In both Belgium and the Netherlands, a dizzying 70% of Turkish voters supported Erdogan`s party, as did 68.8% in Austria. Close behind were Germany (nearly 60%) and France(56%). Put another way, more European Turks per capita supported the Islamist party than did voters in Turkey itself.

Conclusion −

Q 4 - Islamist group was supported by European Turks more than in Turkey.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (a)


This conclusion is true from the last line of the passage.


An offer made by a film producer to Tamil superstar Rajinikanth to act in a movie on the Tiger of Mysore, Tipu Sultan, opened up a Pandora`s box. The BJP and some hindutva groups demanded that Rajinikanth should refuse the offer. This argument was made on the grounds that Tipu, the 18th century ruler of Mysore state, was a tyrant. As the controversy over whether Tipu was an islamic iconoclast, or a secular nationalist, rages on in India, it is time for us to reflect on a different side of the man - who changed the economy and lifestyle of peoples.

Conclusion −

Q 5 - Despite problems Rajnikantha has made this movie.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (c)


Nothing is stated in the passage regarding the decision of Rajnikanth whether to make this movie or not.


Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan won Nobel Prize, which was expected off course but Kailash Satyarthi of India also won; that was a bit unexpected. He is the founder of Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA) and might have won this award due to the fair judgement of judges. This time it is a matter of celebration for us. World has done lot more for Malala that she could have done ever. But our expectations should be limited from a 17-year old as she is the youngestever Nobel awardees. She made herself idol for many. She showed praise worthy courage in the swat valley against the Taliban, who had banned education for girls.

Conclusion −

Q 6 - Taliban has huge dominance over swat valley in Pakistan.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (b)


This conclusion is probably true because they are against girl’s education.


The news came into the limelight that three scientists won The Nobel Prize for discovering on practical LED lighting and many people thought of their LED TV screen or perhaps switching over to an energy-efficient illumination at their homes. LED bulbs were earlier unknown to people after the revolution has become more popular. People leading life without reliable source of electricity has been best benefited through LED lights. Coated semiconductors are the base to produce lights in LED (Light Emitting Diode). On the other hand, Blue LEDs became the base for the production of LED Lamps that also became popular.

Conclusion −

Q 7 - Currently Indians don’t have much energy efficient LED lighting in their homes.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (b)


As this conclusion is not directly stated, so we can take as probably true, hence conclusion is b.


Long-term viability of large multipurpose projects has yielded enough evidence for us to unhesitatingly conclude that all such projects are counterproductive and anti-poor. This is accomplished through years of international experience and debates. As per the given information available on the subject, fuelling such a project on the component of those who ought to ken better must be optically discerned as an irresponsible act.

Conclusion −

Q 8 - People advocating large multi-purpose projects are not aware of its illeffects.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (b)


It is not directly mentioned so it is very probable on the basis of the last lines of the passage.


If households below poverty line get employment assurance of 100 days a year, then it would be a happiest situation for all of them. If we assume that all the persons would not offer themselves for casual manual work, let us say only 30 million persons would come for such works. As the average money lost under the employment assurance scheme is Rs. 45, the total requirement would be about Rs. 13500 crore per year. As this is dependent on monsoon, the requirement will also build up gradually. Wage employment programmes are, however, far less than required for such an employment scenario.

Conclusion −

Q 9 - There are less than 32 million persons below the poverty line.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (e)


This conclusion is completely false.


Nearly 100 million people in India lack access to safe drinking water and over 700 mn continue to defecate in the open. Over 600000 children under 5 years lose their lives to water and sanitation related diseases like diarrhoea and pneumonia every year. In this context, the recent launch of the swacch bharat abhiyan(the clean India campaign) by our PM Modi can be seen as a welcome and much needed step. However, if the campaign is to go beyond symbolism and actually achieve the goal of making India open-defecationfree by 2019, it needs a multi-pronged strategy. The swacch bharat concept is launched to pave access for every person to sanitation facilities. We have to achieve this by 2019 as a befitting tribute to the father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th birth anniversary.

Conclusion −

Q 10 - Water and sanitation related diseases are severe in our country.

A candidate is required to mark the answer in the following ways −

I - Mark (a) if the conclusion holds the truth definitely.

II - Mark (b) if the conclusion holds the truth probably but not definitely.

III - Mark (c) If conclusion cannot be judged for true or false due to insufficiency of adequate data.

IV - Mark (d) if the conclusion holds the falsehood probably but not definitely.

V - Mark (e) if the conclusion holds the falsehood definitely.

Answer : (a)


It is clearly stated in the passage which is true.
