Logical Deduction Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Logical Deduction. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

The following question, two or three statements are given and after that two conclusions are provided. You have to take the statements to be true though it shows difference from the known facts. At first, read the statements and then go to the conclusions. Among the conclusions, decide which is logically correct and answer the question by choosing the options provided.

Q 1 - Statements: Some kangaroos are chimpanzees. No chimpanzee is Dinosaur.


I. All kangaroos are chimpanzees.

II. Some dinosaurs are kangaroos.


A - Only conclusion I is correct.

B - Only conclusion II is correct.

C - Either I or II is correct.

D - Neither I nor II is correct.

E - Both I and II are correct.

Answer : D


None of the conclusions is true. Hence, option D is correct.

The following question, two or three statements are given and after that two conclusions are provided. You have to take the statements to be true though it shows difference from the known facts. At first, read the statements and then go to the conclusions. Among the conclusions, decide which is logically correct and answer the question by choosing the options provided.

Q 2 - Statements: All fishes are thick in size. Some fishes are heavy.


I. All sharks are thick in size.

II. All dolphins are not thick in size


A - Only conclusion I is correct.

B - Only conclusion II is correct.

C - Either I or II is correct.

D - Neither I nor II is correct.

E - Both I and II are correct.

Answer : A


Since one statement is particular, the conclusion must be also same and should be free from any intermediate term. So, it is valid that 'Some sharks are thick in size'. I is a cumulative result of this conclusion and the first statement. Thus, only I holds true.

The following question, two or three statements are given and after that two conclusions are provided. You have to take the statements to be true though it shows difference from the known facts. At first, read the statements and then go to the conclusions. Among the conclusions, decide which is logically correct and answer the question by choosing the options provided.

Q 3 - Statements: Many trams are trucks. All trucks are trains.


I. Some trams are trains.

II. No truck is a tram.


A - Only conclusion I is correct.

B - Only conclusion II is correct.

C - Either I or II is correct.

D - Neither I nor II is correct.

E - Both I and II are correct.

Answer : A


Since the first statement is particular, conclusion must not contain any middle term. Thus, only I is valid.

The following question, two or three statements are given and after that two conclusions are provided. You have to take the statements to be true though it shows difference from the known facts. At first, read the statements and then go to the conclusions. Among the conclusions, decide which is logically correct and answer the question by choosing the options provided.

Q 4 - Statements: No mega is cap. All caps are cameras.


I. No camera is mega.

II. Some cameras are mega.


A - Only conclusion I is correct.

B - Only conclusion II is correct.

C - Either I or II is correct.

D - Neither I nor II is correct.

E - Both I and II are correct.

Answer : C


We are not sure which option is correct but one thing is sure that both the options can be true, hence, option C is correct.

The following question, two or three statements are given and after that two conclusions are provided. You have to take the statements to be true though it shows difference from the known facts. At first, read the statements and then go to the conclusions. Among the conclusions, decide which is logically correct and answer the question by choosing the options provided.

Q 5 - Statements: Some hens are crows. All crows are horses.


I. Some horses are hens.

II. Some hens are horses.


A - Only conclusion I is correct.

B - Only conclusion II is correct.

C - Either I or II is correct.

D - Neither I nor II is correct.

E - Both I and II are correct.

Answer : E


Since one statement is particular, conclusion must not contain any middle term. So, II is valid. Conclusion I is the opposite of conclusion II and so it also holds true.

The following question, two or three statements are given and after that two conclusions are provided. You have to take the statements to be true though it shows difference from the known facts. At first, read the statements and then go to the conclusions. Among the conclusions, decide which is logically correct and answer the question by choosing the options provided.

Q 6 - Statements: All grasses are trees. No tree is shrub


I. No grasses are shrubs.

II. Some shrubs are grasses.


A - Only conclusion I is correct.

B - Only conclusion II is correct.

C - Either I or II is correct.

D - Neither I nor II is correct.

E - Both I and II are correct.

Answer : A


Since one statement is not positive, the conclusion must not be positive. So, conclusion II cannot follow.

The following question, two or three statements are given and after that two conclusions are provided. You have to take the statements to be true though it shows difference from the known facts. At first, read the statements and then go to the conclusions. Among the conclusions, decide which is logically correct and answer the question by choosing the options provided.

Q 7 - Statements: Some monkeys are fools. Some fools are rich.


I. Some monkeys are rich.

II. Some rich are monkeys.


A - Only conclusion I is correct.

B - Only conclusion II is correct.

C - Either I or II is correct.

D - Neither I nor II is correct.

E - Both I and II are correct.

Answer : D


Since both the statements are particular, no definite conclusion is valid.

The following question, two or three statements are given and after that two conclusions are provided. You have to take the statements to be true though it shows difference from the known facts. At first, read the statements and then go to the conclusions. Among the conclusions, decide which is logically correct and answer the question by choosing the options provided.

Q 8 - Statements: All lizards are mangoes. Some mangoes are streets. All streets are mountains.


I. Some mountains are mangoes.

II. Some mountains are lizards.


A - Only conclusion I is correct.

B - Only conclusion II is correct.

C - Either I or II is correct.

D - Neither I nor II is correct.

E - Both I and II are correct.

Answer : A


Some mountains are mangoes is the only possible answer. But some mountains are lizards is not correct. Hence, option A is correct.

The following question, two or three statements are given and after that two conclusions are provided. You have to take the statements to be true though it shows difference from the known facts. At first, read the statements and then go to the conclusions. Among the conclusions, decide which is logically correct and answer the question by choosing the options provided.

Q 9 - Statements: Some ellipses are eggs. No egg is hyperbola. All hyperbolas are parabola.


I. There is a possibility that all eggs can be parabola.

II. Some ellipse are definitely not hyperbola.


A - Only conclusion I is correct.

B - Only conclusion II is correct.

C - Either I or II is correct.

D - Neither I nor II is correct.

E - Both I and II are correct.

Answer : E


Clearly there is possibility that all eggs can be parabola because no egg is hyperbola and all hyperbolas are parabola. Also option II is correct because no egg is hyperbola and some ellipses are eggs. So, some ellipses are definitely not be hyperbola holds true good. Hence, both the options are correct.

The following question are given with some conclusions. Choose the options that logically follow the most.

Q 10 - Statements: Some towels are bed sheets. Some pillows are towels. All bed sheets are pillows.


I. Some towels are pillows.

II. Some pillows are bed sheets.

III. Some bed sheets are towels.


A - I is valid

B - II is valid

C - III is valid

D - All are valid

Answer : D


I is the opposite of the second statement, II is the opposite of the third statement and III is the opposite of the first statement and as such, all three of them follow.
