Clock Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Clock. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - How many times do the hands of a clock point towards each other in a day?

A - 24

B - 20

C - 12

D - 22

Answer : D


In 12 hours the hands of a clock point towards each other 11 times then in a day they will point towards each other 22 times.

Q 2 - An accurate clock shows 8 O`clock in the morning. Through how many degrees will the hour hand rotate when the clock shows 2 O`clock in the afternoon?

A - 144o

B - 150o

C - 168o

D - 180o

Answer : D


Angle traced by hour hand in 6 hours = $\frac{360}{12}$ × 6 = 180o

Q 3 - Ayush leaves his house at 20 min. to 7 in the morning reaches Tushar`s house in 25 min. They finish their breakfast in another 15 mins and leave for office which takes another 35 min. at what time they leave Tushar`s house to their office?

A - 7.40 am

B - 7.45 am

C - 7.20 am

D - 8.15 am

Answer : C


Ayush leaves his house at 6.40 am. He reaches Tushar`s house in 25 min. i.e at 7.05 am and 15 min. after it means 7.20 am.

Answer : A


(5n±8) × $\frac{12}{11}$; n = 8

$\frac{574}{11}$ min. past 8, $\frac{384}{11}$ min past 8

Q 5 - How many times in one hour both the hands will coincide each other in between 3 and 4 O`clock?

A - Once

B - Twice

C - Thrice

D - None of these

Answer : A


Hands Coincide

Answer : D


(5n ± x) × $\frac{12}{11}$ min past `n’; here n = 11

(5 × 11 ± 6) × $\frac{12}{11}$ = 66$\frac{6}{11}$ min past 11 and 53$\frac{5}{11}$ min past 11

Q 7 - At what time after 6 O` clock, the two hands are at right angle for first time?

A - 49$\frac{1}{11}$ min past 6

B - 48$\frac{1}{11}$ min past 6

C - 47$\frac{1}{11}$ min past 6

D - 46$\frac{1}{11}$ min past 6

Answer : A


( 5n + 15) × $\frac{12}{11}$ here , n= 6

$\frac{540}{11}$ = 49$\frac{1}{11}$ min past 6

Answer : C


$\frac{360}{12} \times \frac{117}{12} = 292\frac{5}{12}$

$\frac{360}{60}$ × 45 = 270

Reflex angle = 360- (292$\frac{5}{12}$ - 270) = 337$\frac{5}{12}$

Q 9 - The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at an interval of 70 min of the correct time. How much time in a day does the clock gain or loss?

A - $\frac{7200}{77}$ min gain

B - $\frac{7300}{77}$ min loss

C - $\frac{7200}{77}$ min loss

D - $\frac{7300}{77}$ min gain

Answer : C


$\left ( \frac{720}{11} - x \right ) \times\left ( \frac{60 \times 24}{x} \right )$ min

$\left ( \frac{720}{11} - 70 \right ) \times\left ( \frac{60 \times 24}{70} \right )$ min = -$\frac{7200}{77}$ min(loss)

Q 10 - At what time between 3 O`clock and 4 O`clock will the hands of a clock be in opposite direction?

A - 49$\frac{1}{11}$ min past 3

B - 50$\frac{1}{11}$ min past 3

C - 48$\frac{1}{11}$ min past 3

D - 47$\frac{1}{11}$ min past 3

Answer : A


$\frac{\left ( 5n + 30 \right ) \times 12}{11}$ (n>6) min past n

So 49$\frac{1}{11}$ min past 3 is correct.
