• JavaScript Video Tutorials

JavaScript - Set.keys() Method

The Set.keys() method in JavaScript returns an iterator object containing the values of the elements in a Set object, in insertion order.

This method is an alias for the JavaScript values() method.


Following is the syntax of JavaScript Set.keys() method −



This method does not accept any parameters.

Return value

This method returns an iterator object containing the values of the elements in the set, in insertion order.


Example 1

In the following example, we are iterating through the element of the Set object using the keys() method and printing them with a for...of loop from the result of the keys() method.

      const set = new Set();
      const iterator = set.keys();
      for (const value of iterator) {
         document.write(value, "<br>");

The above program returns a new set iterator object "iterator" that contains the values of this Set in insertion order.

Example 2

In this example, we're using the keys() method to create an iterator for the values in the Set. Then, we manually retrieve each value using the next() method on the iterator.

      const set = new Set();
      const iterator = set.keys();
      document.write(iterator.next().value, "<br>");
      document.write(iterator.next().value, "<br>");

As we can see in the output, it returned each value present in the set.

Example 3

In the following example, we are using the spread operator (...) to convert the iterator returned by the values() method into an array containing all the values of the set.

      const mySet = new Set(["apple", "banana", "orange"]);
      const valuesArray = [...mySet.values()];

If we execute the above program, it returns an array containing each value from the set.
