HTML - <!--...--> Tag

HTML Comment <!-- --> tag is used to create a comment in the source code. With the help of a comment, we can explain our code, which can help us when we edit our source code at a later date. This is useful when our source code is too long.

Note: Comments are only visible in the source code, which is not displayed in the browser. Using html comment tag inside of <style> and <script> wont work for that we have to use CSS and JavaScript Comment procedure.


<!— Write down your Comment -->


HTML Comments tag does not accepts any attribute.

Try to click the icon run button run button to run the following HTML code to see the output.

Examples of HTML Comment Tag

In these examples we will see the multiple usage of comment tag like commenting html element, single-line comment and multi-line comments.

Commenting in HTML Code

In the following example, let’s see the usage of the comments tag and how it will work with the source code.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <!-- This is comment, and comment does not display in the browser! -->
   <!-- This is paragraph tag -->
   <p>Hello Tutorialspoint </p>
   <p>Easy to Learn! </p>

Comment Out HTML Element

Considering the following example, where we are going to use the comment tag to comment on the HTML elements.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <!-- This is paragraph tag -->
   <!--<p>Hello Tutorialspoint</p> -->
   <p>Easy to Learn!</p>

Single and Multiline Comments

Let's look into the following example, where we are going to see single and multiline comments.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<body> You will be able to see this text.
   <!-- You will not be able to see this text. --> You can even comment out things in
   <!-- the middle of --> a sentence.
   <!-- Or you can comment out a 
        large number of lines. 

Supported Browsers

Tag Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
comment Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes