Which Collagen Sources Should You Try

Are you tired of searching for the right collagen supplement for you? With so many sources and formulations available, it is natural for you to feel so. Don't worry! We are here to help! We will explore various types of collagen sources and learn their unique benefits. 

Whether you need collagen for skin health, joint function, or overall wellbeing, this post will help you. So, let's dive into the world of collagen supplementation.

Collagen from Marine Sources

There are different types of collagen available with their benefits. In this regard, marine collagen is one of the most popular types of collagen. It comes from fish or other seafood and offers helpful nutrients for your skin, hair, nails, and joints.

Some of the most important benefits of marine collagen include the following −

  • Improving skin health − Marine collagen is rich in amino acids. It can help to improve skin appearance by reducing wrinkles and fine lines. You can also count on it for skin elasticity and hydration.

  • Supporting joint health − The amino acids in marine collagen can help to reduce inflammation in the joints and improve joint pain and stiffness.

  • Strengthening hair and nails − They also strengthen your hair and nails, making them less likely to break or become damaged.

  • Boosting energy levels − Marine collagen is a great source of protein, which can help to boost energy levels and improve athletic performance.

If you're looking for a Collagen supplement that can provide all of these amazing benefits, look no further than our Marine Collagen peptides! Our marine collagen peptides are sourced from wild-caught fish in Iceland, making them some of the highest quality on the market today.

Collagen from Animal Sources

The most common Type I and Type II collagens are found in animal sources.

  • Type I collagen is present in animals such as cows, chickens, and fish. It's also responsible for giving skin its elasticity.

  • Type II collagen is found in cartilage. It gives it its strength and flexibility. It comes from animal sources, including pigs, chickens, and turkeys.

So, which collagen source should you try? For improving your skin's appearance, cow or fish collagen would be a good choice. Pig or chicken collagen would be a better option if you want something to help with joint pain.

Collagen from Plant Sources

From pea protein to spirulina, here’s a brief overview of some popular plant-based collagen supplements available on the market today.

Pea Protein

Pea protein is one of the most popular vegetarian/vegan-friendly collagen supplements. It is an easily digestible source of plant proteins without any animal-sourced ingredients. It improves muscle recovery and growth, betters joint health, increases energy levels, helps the absorption of nutrients, and improves overall well-being.


Spirulina, chlorella, kelp, and marine phytoplankton are all types of algae that offer significant amounts of vegan-friendly collagen. These types of algae can help boost immunity as they contain antioxidants, plus they help reduce inflammation due to their anti-inflammatory properties. They are also great sources of essential vitamins and minerals.

Hemp Protein

Hemp protein powder is composed mainly of two types of proteins - edestin (which makes up 65%+), which is very similar in structure to human collagen, plus albumin (around 35%), which is considered the highest quality form of plant protein available - making it a great alternative to whey based proteins which typically contain higher concentrations of lactose or dairy products. Hemp-based proteins have become increasingly popular due to their high nutritional value – providing healthy fats, fibre, and other vital vitamins & minerals!

Which Collagen is Right for You?

Consider Your Diet

Not all diets are created equal! Depending on what you typically eat or don't eat, this can affect which type of collagen supplement would be most beneficial for you. For example, if you are a vegetarian or vegan, any supplement containing bovine (beef) collagen should generally be avoided as this does not fit their dietary requirements.

Understand Your Goals

What do you ultimately want to achieve from taking a collagen supplement? Understanding this can help narrow down the options available. Do you hope to improve joint health? Do you want to achieve glowing skin? Or perhaps stronger nails? Different types of collagen have different effects so being very clear about what you are hoping to achieve will help guide your decision-making process.

Research Types Of Collagen

Once you know what dietary constraints may apply and what goals you want to achieve, there are still quite a few types of collagen out there, so doing some research into these will help ensure you get the best possible result from your purchase. The three main types people usually talk about are marine (fish), hydrolyzed (most commonly beef), and plant-derived (derived from plants). So understanding these can further inform your selection.

Ask For Advice

There are plenty of resources out there if you need advice or assistance - whether from friends or family who have taken supplements before, asking your doctor or nutritionist, or even researching on forums online where people might discuss their experiences with the various products. Don't be afraid to seek advice from knowledgeable professionals and experienced users alike! Considering all factors should give rise to the perfect choice for your individual needs!

What Collagen is Best for Skin?

If you are looking for a collagen supplement for skin health, go for hydrolyzed collagen peptides. They are smaller molecules and can be more easily absorbed by the body. That said, they can also reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and increase collagen density in the skin.

Overall, type I collagen peptides are typically considered the best options for skin health. They are derived from bovine or marine sources and have been shown to provide noticeable benefits. However, it's always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional before adding new supplements to your routine.


Collagen is a vital nutrient for healthy skin and joints and overall health. But selecting the right one may seem overwhelming amidst so many options available. However, consider dietary preferences, budget, and current level of healthiness, to find the perfect source of collagen for you. However, if you still need clarification, be sure to take the help of a nutritionist. S/he can help you to go for an option that will help boost your overall well-being with ease.

Updated on: 04-Apr-2023


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