What is the use of StrictMath class in Java?

The java.lang.StrictMath is a final class and it is a subclass of Object class. The StrictMath class contains methods for performing basic numeric operations such as the elementary exponential, logarithm, square root, and trigonometric functions.

We need not create an instance for StrictMath class because all the methods in StrictMath class are static methods. The important methods of StrictMath class are abs(), acos(), asin(), atan(), ceil(), floor(), log(), max(), min(), pow(), random(), round() and etc.


public final class StrictMath extends Object


public class StrictMathTest {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      System.out.println("Absolute Value: " + StrictMath.abs(-100.50));
      System.out.println("Ceil Value : " + StrictMath.ceil(100.55));
      System.out.println("Floor Value : " + StrictMath.floor(100.55));
      System.out.println("Maximum Value : " + StrictMath.max(100,200));
      System.out.println("Minimum Value : " + StrictMath.min(100,200));
      System.out.println("Random Value : " + StrictMath.random());
      System.out.println("Round Value: " + StrictMath.round(100.75));
      System.out.println("Square Root Value : " + StrictMath.sqrt(2));
      System.out.println("PI Value: " + StrictMath.PI);
      System.out.println("Log Value: " + StrictMath.log(10.55));


Absolute Value: 100.5
Ceil Value : 101.0
Floor Value : 100.0
Maximum Value : 200
Minimum Value : 100
Random Value : 0.24051171771710933
Round Value: 101
Square Root Value : 1.4142135623730951
PI Value: 3.141592653589793
Log Value: 2.3561258599220753

Updated on: 22-Nov-2023


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