What is the difference between Hinduism and Buddhism?

India is undoubtedly the land of many religions. These religions have played a significant role in weaving the cultural fabric of our nation. Of these, Hinduism (mainly understood as Sanatana Dharma), Jainism, and Buddhism are the oldest religions which have existed in the land for thousands of years. The most popular and widespread in the Indian Subcontinent are Hinduism and Buddhism.

The main essence of both the religions is attaining the ultimate solace. Hindus call it Moksha and Buddhists call it Nirvana. The approach may be different, but the ultimate goal is the same in both the religions.

The fundamental difference between Hinduism and Buddhism is the Caste System.

Caste system came into existence in the Hindu religion mainly to serve the division of labor and economic classification of work. The caste system is an integral part of Hindu religion even today.

The foundational principles of Buddhism, on the other hand, are completely against the Caste system.

Updated on: 27-Jun-2020


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