What are the best headphones in the market?

It can be tough picking out the best pair of headphones in the market because there are simply many options out there. Each one offers a different combination of performance and value.

Why will buy a pair of headphones in the first place?

  • Headphones are most suited for the gym and also for traveling.

  • Headphones provide better sound quality and portability when compared to earphones.

  • If you want to listen to music without compromising then headphones are the best way to go.

So, here are some of the best headphones in the market.

Sony MDR-1000X

The MDR-1000X is no doubt closest competitor to BOSE but if you are looking for a Sony handset and also if u are currently owning Sony Xperia smartphone then these noise cancellation headphones are best compatible with Sony devices. Even not, these Sony wares are worth buying.

  • Specifications: Weight-275grams battery life-20hours wireless range-30feet Price-27,999.

Bose QuietComfort 35

It has an amazing noise cancellation feature. They sound great and their battery life is long enough for all.

  • Specifications: Weight-308grams Battery life-20+hours Price-29,363

Sennheiser Momentum wireless

These headphones are coming out with positive reviews but for many, they are very expensive but if you are an audio lover that can spare the expense then go ahead and buy them without any hesitation.

  • Specifications: Battery life-25+hours, Price-63,684.

Philips Fidelio X2

These are the superb pair of headphones which provide premium comfort and build quality. Despite being the cheapest pair of headphones in the test, the X2 held their own on pure sound. My favorite headphones are probably the X2's - they're more comfortable to wear for long periods, easier to keep on your head, far, far cheaper and they look better too.

  • Specifications:Battery-25+hours, Price-19,500.

Oppo PM-3

These headphones are stunning and according to the reviews, these headphones are best headphones in last 10years. They are equally comfortable into a headphone amp at home. One really can't recommend them highly enough, they're just amazing.

  • Specifications: Battery-25+hours, Price-26,000.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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