What are the advantages and disadvantages of Online tutoring sites?

Online tutoring sites are trending these days, making the studies easy and interesting for kids and young learners. With the advent of new technologies in the market, these tutoring sites are advancing and developing the visual applications in such a way that the aspirants are being able to learn their topics in an interactive way.


These sites are really advantageous to the learners as they are helping the students to learn the topics and remember them in an easier way. This way of learning improves the interest and the love for the concept in the learners. The crucial topics when made simple and interesting, make the learners get involved in them.

Some of these sites are also providing interactive sessions with the tutors in order to discuss their doubts. Being the paid sessions, the tutors and the learners are all being responsible and making the full use of them. When it comes to children, these interactive videos will help them understand the concepts better, as the content will be crisp and up to the point.

On the Downside

Though learning will be easier, children would be missing the classroom interaction that they usually have with the teacher. Knowing the perspective of the other children and discussing different scenarios and examples in a classroom create a great impact in the process of learning. Hence these video learning aids should never replace classrooms but can add to that.

As it is said that too much of anything is good for nothing, addiction to this kind of learning might lower the creative stimulation in students and learners. The self-learning skills might diminish. Finding the things on superficial part might lessen their interest in book reading so as to get the deeper knowledge of the aspects. This is also a costly affair that everybody cannot afford. As well, we already have an idea of the extent of damage caused to the retina due to the exposure of blue light produced by these gadgets.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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