Ways to Snap Out of Feeling Sleepy At Work And Home

Your body may attempt to tell you something when it makes you tired at inopportune times. Getting enough sleep is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Women between the ages of 30 and 60 get fewer than seven hours of sleep every night, as the National Sleep Foundation reported. Women face several obstacles when it comes to getting a good night's rest. Women may have trouble sleeping for many reasons, including menstruation, pregnancy, childcare worries, work stress, relationship worries, and other health conditions. Even if women obtain the recommended amount of sleep at night, many struggle with daytime drowsiness, especially in the afternoon. Is this harmful, and why does it happen?

Just What Factors Into our Daytime Slumber?

There are many possible causes for needing sleep in the middle of the day.

  • Insufficiency or Excessive Slumber

Insufficient sleep might cause you to feel irritable or exhausted upon awakening. Sleep deprivation has the same adverse effects on a person as alcohol, including impaired mental judgment, slowed response time, increased irritability, and poor physical performance. On the contrary, getting too much sleep might leave you exhausted upon awakening. The National Sleep Foundation reports that those whose average nightly sleep duration is more significant than eight hours do not live if those whose average nightly duration is precisely eight hours.

  • Insufficient sleep

A disturbed night's sleep can be caused by several factors, including tossing and turning, stress, or physical discomfort.

  • Coffee and sugar cause excessive excitement.

Caffeine and sugar may give you a short burst of energy, but they both have the opposite effect when your body starts to "come down" from them.

  • Frustration from Being Unoccupied

A recent BBC survey found that one-third of employed people are unhappy.

  • Apathy towards Exercise

Extensive periods spent seated (such as at a desk or in front of a computer) can be exhausting.

  • Unusual Eating Patterns

Maintaining high energy levels may be achieved with a diet of nutritious meals eaten regularly.

  • Habit

If you're in the habit of taking naps throughout the day, your body will signal that it's time for a rest each time that time of day rolls around.

How Can We Prevent Daytime Sleepiness?

  • Modifying your daily routine might significantly impact whether you feel drowsy or invigorated. Napping during the day is not inherently wrong, but sometimes it is impossible. Consider employing any of the following methods on such days to maintain your alertness.

  • Make sure you're getting enough shut-eye each night. The recommended amount of sleep for adults every night is between seven and eight hours. Lunch should consist of both nutritious carbs and protein-rich meals. Foods high in carbs have the same long-term effect on the body as sugar and caffeine.

  • If feasible, do the most tedious tasks first thing in the morning. If you put off doing the tedious task until the afternoon, you will undoubtedly want to take sleep. When there is a lot of enthusiasm and new ideas to be shared, an afternoon meeting is perfect for it.

  • Get some exercise or at least get up and move about in the middle of the day. Aerobic exercise stimulates both the body and the mind. In addition, it has favorable effects on people's health. Most people find that they sleep better after a day of exercise.

  • Consume small, frequent meals continuously. If you've simply eaten breakfast, your body will have difficulty regaining energy by the afternoon.

  • Try some yoga or mindfulness meditation to help you cope with stress. When fatigue results from stress, many people find that meditating helps the mind and body recover energy.

  • Take frequent sips from a water bottle. Weary bodies benefit significantly from a good dunk in a fabulous pool of water.

Is it Unhealthy to Nap at Work?

As was previously noted, napping appears to have significant benefits, including a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. Sadly, napping is not universally promoted or even condoned by American corporations. There is no reason to forego sleep if one feels fatigued and the chance presents itself.

Power napping is the best option when you just have a short rest window. It's usually possible to do even while seated. A typical power sleep lasts between fifteen and twenty minutes. However, this time frame might vary from person to person. Some folks may close their eyes for ten minutes and feel revitalized upon reopening them. But some use an alarm to ensure they don't sleep for more than 20 minutes at a time.

Quick and complete relaxation is the key to power napping. Most folks need some time to get better at this. Never use coffee or any other stimulant within an hour of trying to sleep. Playing soothing music in the background helps hasten the process of unwinding. When taken at about 2 in the afternoon, a power nap may rejuvenate a person and allow them to get a lot done before the end of the workday.

Constant sleepiness is a sign of a more severe problem. Therefore, it's best to see a doctor. One's mood and energy levels during the day are strongly related to sleep quality at night.

Sleeplessness is widespread here in the US. According to the National Sleep Foundation, half of all people in the United States have trouble sleeping. Stress, and medical conditions, including sleep apnea, sleepwalking, restless legs syndrome, and night terrors, are all potential causes of insomnia. Concerns may also include depression.

Ways to Improve Your Sleep Quality Generally

If you're having trouble falling or staying asleep, try these strategies −

  • Stay away from sweets and caffeine in the hours leading up to bedtime.

  • Commit to a specific bedtime and routine every night. Maintaining consistent rest helps the body learn to anticipate sleep.

  • Keep up with your workout routine, but only do something strenuous within two hours of bedtime.

Relax and unwind in a dark, quiet, and comfy space. Falling asleep in front of the TV or too loud music harms sleep quality.

If you stick to the guidelines, you'll be well on your way to establishing a regular sleep schedule and reaping the benefits of a healthier, happier existence. Taking naps is helpful immediately, and in the long run, so they are a healthy addition to that routine. Everyone would benefit from a nutritious diet, sufficient rest, and regular exercise, as is the case with any health-related condition. Good night!

Updated on: 02-Mar-2023


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