Solar power in India is a fast developing industry. The country’s solar installed capacity reached 30·071 GW as of 31 July, 2019. India has the lowest capital cost per MW to install solar power plants. Solar electricity generation recorded nearly 3·4% of total utility electricity generation in January 2019. The following table shows Annual Solar Power Generation of the last six years.
YearSolar Power Generation (TWh)
2013 – 143·35
2014 – 154·60
2015 – 167·45

2016 – 17

2017 – 1825·87
2018 – 1939·27
Our country is lucky to receive solar energy for the greater part of the year. It is estimated that during a year India receives the energy equivalent to more than 5000 trillion kWh from the Sun.(a) What are solar cells?(b) How much voltage can be developed and how much electricity can be produced by one typical solar cell when exposed to the Sun?(c) The future of power generation by solar energy is bright in India. Give reason.(d) List two advantages of solar cells.


The utilization of solar power has been a topic of interest for many decades. This clean and renewable energy source has the potential to change the way we generate electricity and reduce our carbon footprint.

One of the most common ways to harness solar energy is through solar cells, also known as photovoltaic cells. These cells convert sunlight directly into electricity, and their efficiency depends on a number of factors. The content below sheds light on how much voltage can be developed and how much electricity can be produced by one typical solar cell when exposed to the sun. We will also discuss the future of solar power generation in India and two advantages of solar cells.

How Much Voltage Can Be Developed and How Much Electricity Can Be Produced by One Typical Solar Cell When Exposed to The Sun?

The amount of voltage and electricity produced by a solar cell depends on a number of factors, including the amount of sunlight received, the efficiency of the cell, and the size of the cell. A typical solar cell is made up of silicon, which is a semiconductor material that absorbs photons of light and releases electrons. These electrons are then captured by a circuit, generating an electric current.

The voltage produced by a solar cell depends on the number of cells connected in series. Each cell typically produces around 0.5 to 0.6 volts, and connecting multiple cells in series can increase the voltage output. For example, a solar panel with 36 cells connected in series would produce around 18 volts of electricity.

The amount of electricity produced by a solar cell is measured in watts. The wattage output of a solar cell is determined by multiplying the voltage output by the current output. The current output depends on the size of the cell and the amount of sunlight received. A typical solar cell produces around 0.5 to 1 watt of power per square inch of solar panel.

The efficiency of a solar cell also plays a role in how much electricity it can produce. The efficiency of a solar cell refers to the amount of sunlight it can convert into electricity. A high-efficiency solar cell can convert up to 25% of the sunlight it receives into electricity, while a lower efficiency cell may only convert 10% or less. The efficiency of a solar cell is affected by factors such as the purity of the silicon used and the design of the cell.

The Future of Power Generation by Solar Energy Is Bright in India. Give Reasons

India has a vast potential for solar energy due to its geographical location and high levels of solar radiation. The country is located in the tropical region, and it receives an abundant amount of sunshine throughout the year. Solar energy has the potential to revolutionize India's energy sector by providing a clean and renewable source of electricity.

The Indian government has recognized the importance of solar energy and has set ambitious targets for solar power generation. The government aims to generate 100 gigawatts (GW) of solar power by 2022, which is a significant increase from the current capacity of around 30 GW. The government has also implemented various policies and initiatives to promote the use of solar energy, such as subsidies for solar installations and net metering policies.

In addition to the government's efforts, there has been a significant increase in private sector investment in solar energy in India. Many companies are investing in solar energy projects, and there has been a significant increase in the number of solar installations across the country. This has resulted in a decrease in the cost of solar energy, making it more affordable and accessible to the general public.

India's solar energy potential, combined with government initiatives and private sector investment, makes the future of power generation by solar energy bright. The country has already made significant progress towards its solar energy targets, with a capacity of 40 GW installed by 2020. This represents a significant increase from just 2.6 GW in 2014.

List Two Advantages of Solar Cells

Clean and Renewable Energy Source − One of the biggest advantages of solar cells is that they provide a clean and renewable source of electricity. Solar cells do not emit any harmful pollutants or greenhouse gases, unlike fossil fuels. This makes solar energy an environmentally friendly option for power generation.

Low Maintenance and Operating Costs − Solar cells require very little maintenance once they are installed. Unlike fossil fuel power plants, solar cells do not require fuel or water to operate, which significantly reduces operating costs. This makes solar energy a cost-effective option for power generation, especially in remote areas where grid connectivity is limited.


Solar energy has the potential to transform the way we generate electricity and reduce our carbon footprint. The amount of voltage and electricity produced by a solar cell depends on a number of factors, including the efficiency of the cell, size of the cell, and the amount of sunlight received.

The future of power generation by solar energy is bright in India due to the country's solar energy potential, government initiatives, private sector investment, and the benefits of solar energy for the economy and the environment

Updated on: 02-May-2023


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