Reforestation Planting Trees


The rapid cutting down of trees for meeting the unwanted and ever-increasing needs of man has resulted in deteriorating the standards of life on the earth. All the organisms are affected by the impacts of deforestation. Several threats have been generated including massive change in the climate that is resulting in the change of living habitats of the organisms of that area. More to this, the soil is becoming unfertile for agriculture, reduction in rainfall, and irregular rainfall with seasonal drought, adding to the worsening effects of the greenhouse.

What is Reforestation?

Figure 1: Reforestation

The term reforestation is defined as the re-planting of trees, on the land, which is massively affected by humans for their never-ending wants. Although it seems that humans are benefited from the encroaching of resources by force, this benefit is not permanent. Therefore, re-planting of trees is necessary for those places to recover the balance of the ecosystem. However, reforestation is quite similar to the practice of afforestation, as both of these practises have one goal-the planting of trees. Afforestation is defined as the practice of planting trees.

What is Deforestation?

Figure 2: Deforestation

Deforestation is a term that refers to the purpose of clearing forested areas and lands. However, although the term seems to arrive in usage a decade back, the notion of clearing forests dates back to the primitives when they cleared forest areas for their settlements and for their survival. However, at that time, the population was not to this extent and advancements in technology have not progressed to such an extent as it is now, in today’s world.

The reason for clearing up of lands is because of agricultural purposes, grazing areas for animals, obtaining of wood for commercial purposes, manufacturing and development of construction sites. Deforestation has created massive impacts on the lives of the organisms on earth, leading certain species to the verge of extinction.

Difference between Reforestation and Afforestation

Although both the terms, reforestation and afforestation, seems to be quite similar in practical purposes and shares the same goals there lies a unique difference between the two terms. The practice of reforestation is defined as the process of planting trees within the forest arena, where the trees are being cleared off for the benefit of. On the other hand, afforestation refers to the planting of trees or sowing of seeds in an area where no trees are there prior to planting. This results in the growth of new trees leading to the growth of forests.

Figure 3: Afforestation

Reforestation Planting Trees

Reforestation is stated as re-plantation of areas that are deforested in the earlier past. This practice is quite effective in maintaining a balance and restoring biodiversity.

In the above picture, the practice of replanting trees is clearly shown in the areas that are earlier cleared for commercial purposes.

This is a silvicultural treatment that supports accelerating the growth of the plants promoting stable conditions of survival for the organisms inhabiting this area. This not only supports maintaining the condition of the species but also carbon sequestration resulting in the retaining of the soil fertility. This also includes generation methods. However, two distinct methods are noted for re-plantation, that includes, even-aged strands, and uneven-aged strands.

Benefits of Reforestation

Figure 4: Benefits of reforestation

In several ways reforestation supports the survival of organisms over the earth. The predominant benefit is mitigation of the changes in climatic conditions. It is noticed that younger forests tend to hold and store more amount of carbon than older forests. More to this, trees make use of 50% of the carbon that is emitted within the atmosphere.

This also improves the quality of air as, by intake of carbon, trees release oxygen and support in maintaining a balance. This process helps in improving biodiversity leading to restoring of wildlife. This also maintains the fertility of the soil as well as the water cycle and quality of water, preventing floods and reversing diversification.


In this tutorial, an in-depth study has been conducted on exploring the practice of reforestation. The slight differences between afforestation and reforestation are discussed for better understanding along with its benefits. In conducting reforestation, varied methods are followed, but two methods are given importance that includes, even-aged strands and uneven-aged strands.


Q1. What is defined as a Foresting Backlog?

Ans. Over the years, due to heavy deforestation, there is an escalated rise in carbon footprints. Although forestation can support to arrest the current impacts, the notion of forestation is seen as the primary measure and the number of trees planted are quite less in protecting the reversal of damage done to the environment. The damage reversal is known as a backlog for forestation.

Q2. What is the need for Reforestation?

Ans. The notions of reforestation have become quite important due to the increased rate of carbon footprint across the globe. The significance of reforestation has increased as if it is not done at the current moment, then survival for humans and animals will be quite difficult. Reforestation supports in prevention of soil erosion and maintains a balance of the entire ecosystem.

Q3. What types of Reforestation are there?

Ans. Reforestation is of two types that are noticed to have been in practice, that include urban reforestation and rural reforestation. Urban reforestation is the practice of planting trees in developed arenas, on the other hand, rural reforestation is the practise of planting huge amounts of trees in areas that suffered from deforestation.

Updated on: 13-Apr-2023


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