Principles of Prevention


The notion of prevention refers to an action that ceases or stops something from its occurrence. In the field of medical treatment, it is understood that prevention refers to protecting an individual from occurrences of any kind of disease.

In dealing with the Principles of Prevention, it is quite essential to understand the Principles of Control as prevention determines one of the actions of control. However, the action of controlling is vital and constitutes varied methods, procedures as well as principles.

Defining Principles of Prevention

From the earlier times in the notion of medical science and for treatment purposes, it is stated that the notion of prevention plays a crucial role in preventing individuals from getting affected by deadly diseases. However, prevention comes into play when the control measures are incorporated within the methods and procedures. This not only supports providing an enhancement but as well supports solving the problem as well.

It is known from ancient times the famous phrase that, prevention is better than cure, as this supports determining the problems and issues at their earlier stage and thereby providing appropriate remedies.

There are some limitations of principles of prevention which are stated below −

  • Feed forward control is determined as one of the popular techniques under the Principles of Prevention. However, when the treatment is conducted for the disease, certain boundaries are noted, the first of one that includes, if someone is affected with the disease that has already destroyed its bodily functions, then recovery is not possible.

  • It will take time to cure any disease if that person is suffering from any kind of alignment that is bedridden .

  • Lastly, an infection may spread from one infected person to another if the disease is communicable.

What is Health and What is its Significance?

The term health according to the definition of WHO (World Health Organisation), states that it is a condition where the mental, physical and social aspects of well-being are complete and there is an absence of disease or any kind of infirmity. This is because health is considered an influencing factor in the life of an individual. However, this not only influences the internal aspects of a being but also its outer aspects, the means of the society in which the individual lives.

Conditions for Good Health

Varied condition is there for good health; however, predominantly, a sound mind and body is essential. This condition includes, an individual having a balanced diet, maintenance of personal hygiene, consumption of clean water as well as food, and keeping surroundings neat and clean. This also involves, keeping the environment clean and airy, maintaining proper scheduling of exercise as well as relaxation and adding up to keeping oneself from any kind of addiction including drugs and alcohol.

Factors for Maintaining Community Health

In maintaining community health, many aspects are considered, involving proper hygiene and sanitisation. This also adds up to providing improved socio-economic conditions, services to healthcare, providing health education, and promotion of awareness’s and also facilities for the prevention of diseases.

Difference between being healthy and disease-free

Healthy Disease-free
Condition for social, physical and mental well-being Individuals not suffering from any kind of disease
Refers not only to the person in general but also the society Refers only to the individual
A healthy individual refers to a person who can perform well in stated situations Individuals free of the disease may be in good or bad health condition

Table 1: Difference between being healthy and disease-free

Principles of Treatment

The Principles of Treatment refers to providing medicines that support killing the bacteria. This means killing the cause that causes diseases affecting the individual.

Ways of prevention

Ways of Prevention

Ways of prevention caters to both general and special ways, the general ways involve, maintaining hygienic conditions, where limited exposure is there for airborne microbes. This also includes safe water for drinking purposes and lastly providing of clean environment that is devoid of mosquito breeding, thereby preventing vector-borne diseases. Specific ways involve the immune system that supports in fighting off microbes, as they protect an individual from infectious diseases.


Immunisation refers to a process where an individual is given a vaccine that stimulates the immune system of the individual to make him or her resistant to a particular disease. This process has proved to be quite beneficial as it has reduced the mortality rates. For example, the vaccines against the prevention of measles, smallpox and many more.


In this tutorial, the focus has been given to determining the Principles of Prevention. It is known that this principle is a part of the Controlling Principles that support being from getting infected from deadly diseases. However, ways of prevention are essential as it tends to eradicate the cause of the disease effectively.


Q1. What are considered the Principles of Control?

Ans. The Principle of Control includes many aspects that include, the principles associated with identifying, preventing, future-directed control, and efficiency in control.

Q2. What is immunization?

Ans. Immunisation refers to a process where an individual is given a vaccine that stimulates the immune system of the individual to protect him and make him or her resistant to a particular disease.

Updated on: 20-Jan-2023


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