Partition of Bengal 1905


Before the Partition of Bengal 1905, the territory covered a large area and had a population of over 80 million. The British used to rule over this region. It was becoming difficult for the British Government to rule this massive area of land. Thus the Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon, who was in power from 1899 to 1905 proposed the partition and it took effect in 1905.

What was the Partition of Bengal?

The Partition of Bengal which took place in 1905 was an effort by the British Raj to organize the territory of Bengal. The partition resulted in separating the Eastern areas which were populated by Muslim masses, from the Hindu Western areas. Lord Curzon, who was the Viceroy of India back then, announced this partition on 20th July 1905 and it was official on 16th October 1905.

The Partition of Bengal was decided by the British authorities in December 1903. Bengal was dissected into two major provinces. The first one comprised West Bengal, Bihar and Orissa and the other half comprised Eastern Bengal and Assam. The Western part had Kolkata as its capital, whereas, the other half had Dhaka as its capital.

Partition of Bengal 1905: Reasons

This outrageous act was taken by the majority of the masses as a divide and rule policy. Lord Curzon’s true intention was to separate the Bengali masses, as they were becoming the centre of Indian Nationalism during the early 20th century.

The excuse that Curzon gave for the partition was that of administrative efficiency. East Bengal was lost from the main sight due to lack of proper communication and isolation. Orissa and Bihar were supposed to be divided and fifteen eastern districts of Bengal and Assam were supposed to be united, hence making it a new territory altogether with an enormous population of 31 million

The administrative division took place based on two factors, the linguistic basis and the religion basis. The linguistic basis provided that the Bengalis were reduced to a minority. This partition made sure that there were 17 million

Bengalis and 37 million Hindi and Oriya speakers. The religion basis, on the other hand made sure that West Bengal was dominated by Hindus and the eastern Bengal dominated by Muslims. Lords Curzon by making this decision was trying to gain the favour of the Muslims, to serve his propaganda of divide and rule.

Partition of Bengal 1905: Impact

The masses were gravely raged owing to this decision and there was political unrest throughout the province. Political leaders and common people of Bengal were considering this decision to be an insult provoked at their Motherland.

The massive need for unity forced Rabindranath Tagore to write the song Amar Sonar Bangla. Later this song became the National anthem of Bangladesh. The National Congress was also protesting against this decision, as it was hurting the communal sentiments of the people.

The Bengalis of the western part were against this decision as it would have made them a minority in between the Odia and Hindi speaking people. The Muslims, on the other hand, were welcoming this move, as it would benefit their educational, economic and political interests. Lord Curzon also gave the word for establishing a University in Dhaka.

People throughout the country had already analysed the divide and rule policy, which the British were trying to play. Swadeshi and Boycott movements were becoming common throughout the country to oppose this announcement.

People were boycotting all the British goods in the market. The real motive of the partition though had already succeeded. The Muslim league was created in 1906, and the communal rift was now visible in the Indian community more than ever.

Partition of Bengal 1905: Annulment

The decision of the partition was annulled in 1911, as it caused deep political unrest all over the country. The new decision gave priority to the linguistic division rather than serving the religious motive.

According to the new act, Bengal got divided, and the provinces of Bihar and Orissa were taken out of it. Assam now got to be its own province.

Lord Hardinge made the decision to annul the Partition of Bengal as it provoked the Swadeshi movement to cause riots against the government. The capital of India was transferred to New Delhi, as it could serve the British colonial government better. King V George flew to India and officially calling it quits to Bengal partition.

The real reason behind this was to please the Bengali Muslims. They were dissatisfied owing to the annulment of the partition and the loss of Eastern Bengal. Thus moving the capital to a Mughal site was going to please them. The positive side was that the decision of the annulment did not further create a communal rift.


The Partition of Bengal was announced in 1905, when Lord Curzon was the Viceroy of India. The official reason behind this partition was presented to be, administrative efficiency. The territory of Bengal was huge comprising present-day West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Bangladesh and Assam.

Thus it was difficult for the British authorities to maintain order throughout these regions in an unbiased way. The real reason though, behind the partition, as analyzed by Indians was to break the unity of the Bengalis, and also that of Hindus and Muslims. The Bengalis were becoming more and more prominent in the Nationalist movement against the British, thus to diplomatically hurt them this decision was taken.


Qns 1. Whom did the Muslims of Dhaka follow during the time of Partition?

Ans. The Muslims of Dhaka followed Nawab Salimullah. They were in favour of the partition, as they were promised a lot of developments by the British, including a university to be established in Dhaka.

Qns 2. What did King George V announce on 12th December 1911?

Ans. The announcement of King George V took place on 12th December 1911 at the Delhi Durbar. There he announced that Eastern Bengal which was planned in the 1905 partition, was to be taken back to the Bengal presidency.

Qns 3. Who devised the plan for the partition?

Ans. Lord Curzon the Viceroy of India in 1905 devised the plan for the partition of Bengal carefully. He decided to break Bengal into two provinces, which would in return break the unity of the Bengalis.

Updated on: 18-Jan-2024


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