Why we can hear the sound properly when we talk with someone around us whereas unable to hear the sound coming from a very long distance?

Sound needs a medium (solid, liquid & gas) to travel from one place to another, that's why there is no sound in the vacuum of space as there is nothing to vibrate the sound.

Sound travels as waves in the form of compressions and rarefactions (move back and forth quickly) which means it vibrates and due to this vibration energy is produced, also known as sound energy.

Thus, sound waves move by vibrating objects and these objects vibrate other surrounding objects, carrying the sound along until they have the strength to vibrate another particle.

If you are farther away from the original source of a sound, you will not be able to hear it, as the sound waves lose its intensity or strength of vibrating another particle before reaching your ear.

On the other hand, if you are closer to the original source of a sound, you will be able to hear it properly, as the sound waves reach to your ears before losing its intensity or strength of vibrating another particle.

From the above explanation, now you can conclude why you are able to hear the sound properly when you talk with a person around/near you and why you are unable to hear the sound coming from very long distance.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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