What should be the symbol in the place of * be so that (V)LXXX*X is equivalent to 5089?

To do: To find the symbol in the place of * be so that (V)LXXX*X is equivalent to 5089.


Here (V) is a new Roman Numeral which means $5000$.

We know $5089 = 5,000 + 80 + 9$

$5,000 = (V)$;
$80 = 50 + 10 + 10 + 10 = L + X + X + X = LXXX;$
$9 = 10 - 1 = X - I = IX;$

Combining them:
$5,089 = 5,000 + 80 + 9$
= $(V) + LXXX + IX$


So, the correct answer is 'I'

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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