What fraction of a clockwise revolution does the hour hand of a clock turn through,

when it goes from

(a) 3 to 9

(b) 4 to 7

(c) 7 to 10

(d) 12 to 9

(e) 1 to 10

(f) 6 to 3

For one revolution, the hour hand goes through 12 hours

For 1 hour, the hour hand goes through 1/12 revolution

(a) 3 to 9

From 3 to 9, it is 9 -3 = 6 hours

For 6 hours, the hour hand goes through 6/12 or 1/2 revolution

(b) 4 to 7

From 4 to 7, it is 7 -4 = 3 hours

For 3 hours, the hour hand goes through 3/12 or 1/4 revolution

(c) 7 to 10

From 7 to 10, it is 10 -7 = 3 hours

For 3 hours, the hour hand goes through 3/12 or 1/4 revolution

(d) 12 to 9

From 12 to 9, it is 9 - 0 = 9 hours

For 9 hours, the hour hand goes through 9/12 or 3/4 revolution

(e) 1 to 10

From 1 to 10, it is 10 - 1 = 9 hours

For 9 hours, the hour hand goes through 9/12 or 3/4 revolution

(f) 6 to 3

From 6 to 3, it is 9 hours  6 to 12, 6 hours and 12 to 3, 3 hours

For 9 hours, the hour hand goes through 9/12 or 3/4 revolution

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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