
Name A, B, C, D, E and F in the following diagram showing change in its state

A —> Liquefication/melting/fusion

B —> Vapourisation/evaporation

C—> Condensation

D—> Solidification

E —> Sublimation

F —> Sublimation

Extra information: The process of converting solid directly into gaseous form without converting in a liquid state is termed as sublimation.

Example: When camphor is ignited, it gets converted into gas and disappears, without leaving any residue.
Camphor disappears after some time of ignition as its surface gains kinetic energy and directly gets converted into gas.

The process of conversion of water vapour into liquid form is called condensation.

Evaporation is the process by which liquid gets converted into gaseous form due to an increase in temperature and in pressure.

It is a fundamental part of the water cycle and is constantly occurring throughout nature.

The water spilled over ground dries much faster in summer due to evaporation occurring at a higher rate in summer compared to winter.]

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