
In the figure, if $PR=12 cm, QR = 6 cm$ and $PL=8cm$, then find $QM$.


Given :

In the given figure, if $PR=12 cm, QR = 6 cm$ and $PL=8cm$.

To do :

We have to find the length of $QM$.

Solution :

$\triangle PLR$ is a right-angled triangle.

By Pythagoras theorem,







$LR = LQ+QR$



We know that area of the triangle is $\frac{1}{2} \times b \times h$

So, the area of $\triangle PLR = \frac{1}{2} \times LR \times PL$

                                                 $ = \frac{1}{2} \times 4\sqrt{5}  \times 8$

                                                 $ = 16\sqrt{5} cm^2$.

The area of $\triangle PLQ = \frac{1}{2} \times LQ \times PL$

                                                 $ = \frac{1}{2} \times 4\sqrt{5}-6 \times 8$

                                                 $= 4(4\sqrt{5}-6)$

                                                 $ = 16\sqrt{5} -24 cm^2$.

Area of $\triangle PQR =  \frac{1}{2} \times PR \times QM$

Here, the area of $\triangle PQR = area of \triangle PLR-area of \triangle PLQ$     

           Area of $\triangle PQR =  16\sqrt{5} cm^2 - (16\sqrt{5} -24 )cm^2$

                                         $ = 16\sqrt{5} cm^2 - 16\sqrt{5} +24 cm^2$


              Area of $\triangle PQR =24 cm^2$.

$\frac{1}{2} \times PR \times QM = 24$

$\frac{1}{2} \times 12 \times QM = 24$

$6 \times QM = 24 $

$QM = \frac{24}{6} = 4$

Therefore, the length of $QM$ is 4 cm.




Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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