Explain the following words: Vertebrates, Invertebrates, Spinal Cord, Vertebrae, Cartilage, and Saddle joint.

1. Vertebrates- are those animals that neither possess a vertebral column, or spine, or backbone, nor an internal skeleton.

Almost all invertebrates possess an open circulatory system and compound eyes. Their mode of nutrition includes Autotrophic, Parasitic and Heterotrophic.

Examples- Sponges, Insects, Snails, Earthworms, etc.

2. Invertebrates- Vertebrates are those animals that possess a vertebral column, or spine, or backbone, with an internal skeleton.

All vertebrates consist of a closed circulatory system and two eyes. 

Their mode of nutrition is heterotrophic.

Examples- Humans, Pigeons, Snakes, Fishes etc.

3. Spinal cord- It is a bundle of nerves made up of nervous tissue that begins from the end of the brain stem in the brain and continues down almost to the bottom of the spine or vertebral column. 

The spinal cord consists of nerves that carry incoming and outgoing messages between the brain and the rest of the body.

4. Vertebra- They are the bony or cartilaginous segment of small bones forming the backbone, which have several projections for articulation and muscle attachment, and a hole through which the spinal cord passes.

5. Cartilage- It is a type of connective tissue made up of cells embedded in an extracellular matrix. 

It is firm, flexible tissue present in areas of the body such as ends of the ribs, ears, and nose, between the vertebrae in the spine, etc.

It reduces friction at joints, supports the respiratory tract, acts as shock absorbers between weight-bearing bones to prevent bones from rubbing against each other, and maintains the shape and flexibility of the body.

6. Saddle joint- It is named as the saddle joint, because the bone-forming one part of the joint is concave (turned inward) at one end and looks like a saddle, and the other bone’s end is convex (turned outward), which looks like a rider in a saddle.

It is a type of synovial joint which is highly flexible and allows movement in the sagittal and frontal planes. Both bones have concave-convex articular surfaces which interlock like a rider sitting on a saddle opposing one another.

Examples:-  carpometacarpal joint of the thumb, the incudomalleolar joint of the middle ear, and the sternoclavicular joint of the chest.

Updated on: 06-Apr-2023


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