Every floor of a 20 storey building is 5 meter high. If a lift moves 2 meter every second. How long will it take to move from 3rd floor to 15th floor?


Every floor of a 20 storey building is 5 meters high. 

A lift moves 2 meters every second.

To do:

We have to find how long it will take to move from 3rd floor to 15th floor.


The height of each storey $= 5\ m$

Total distance travelled by the lift from 3rd floor to 15th floor $=13\times5 = 65\ m$

Speed of the lift $= 2\ m/s$

Time taken by the lift $=\frac{Distance}{Speed}$

$= \frac{65}{2}$

$=32.5$ seconds

The lift takes 32.5 seconds to move from 3rd floor to 15th floor.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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