Among two supplementary angles the measure of larger angle is 44 degree more than the measure of the smaller find the measure

Given: Among two supplementary angles the measure of larger angle is 44 degree more than the measure of the smaller

To do: Find the measure of the angles


Lets take the larger angle as '$x$'   and smaller angle as  '$y$'.

Two angles are supplementary means they add up to 180°

So, $x + y = 180$°.........................(i)

Larger angle is 44 degree more than the smaller angle.

$x  =  44 + y$ ..............................(ii)

After substituting (ii)   in   (i) we get,

$44 + y + y  =  180°$

$44 + 2 y  =  180°$

$2 y   =  180 - 44$

$2 y   =  136$

$y  =  \frac{136}{2}  =  68$

$y  =  68°$

Substitute $y = 68° $ in    (i)

$x + 68 = 180$

$x  =  180 - 68$

$x  =  112°$

So, The larger angle is 112°  , and the smaller angle is 68°


Simply Easy Learning

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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