58000000 × 0 = 0 Why It's 0 Only


Properties of zero

We know the zero property of addition

Any number + 0 = Same number;  5 + 0 = 5

We know the zero property of subtraction

Any number - 0 = Same number;  5 - 0 = 5

We know the zero property of division

$\frac{0} {Any \ number}$ = 0 ; $\frac{ 0}{ 5}$ = 0 

Now the zero property of multiplication

Any number x 0 = 0;  5 $\times$ 0 = 0

Similarly, 58000000 $\times$ 0 = 0 

So any number $\times$ 0 is ALWAYS ZERO

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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