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Node.js Mock Test

This section presents you various set of Mock Tests related to Node.js Framework. You can download these sample mock tests at your local machine and solve offline at your convenience. Every mock test is supplied with a mock test key to let you verify the final score and grade yourself.

Questions and Answers

Node.js Mock Test II

Q 1 - Buffer class is a global class and can be accessed in application without importing buffer module.

A - true

B - false

Answer : A


Buffer class is a global class and can be accessed in application without importing buffer module.

Q 2 - Which of the following code converts a buffer buf to JSON object?

A - buf.toJSON()

B - buf.json()

C - buf.covertToJson()

D - buf.jsonify()

Answer : A


buf.toJSON() converts a buffer buf to JSON object.

Q 3 - Which of the following code gets length of a buffer buf?

A - buf.length

B - buf.size

C - buf.length()

D - buf.size()

Answer : A


buf.length returns size of a node buffer in bytes.

Answer : C


Readable stream is used for read operation and its output can be input to a writable stream.

Answer : C


Writable stream is used for write operation and it can take output of readable stream as input.

Answer : D


Piping is a mechanism where we provide output of one stream as the input to another stream. It is normally used to get data from one stream and to pass output of that stream to another stream. There is no limit on piping operations.

Answer : C


Chanining is a mechanism to connect output of one stream to another stream and create a chain of multiple stream operations. It is normally used with piping operations.

Q 8 - Which of the following statement is valid to use a Node module fs in a Node based application?

A - var fs = require("fs");

B - var fs = import("fs");

C - package fs;

D - import fs;

Answer : A


Require directive is used to load a Node module(fs) and store returned its instance(fs) into its variable(fs).

Answer : C


Node implements File I/O using simple wrappers around standard POSIX functions. Node File System (fs) module should be imported for File I/O opearations.

Answer : C


Every method in fs module have synchronous as well as asynchronous form. Asynchronous methods of fs module take last parameter as completion function callback and first parameter of the callback function as error.

Answer : A


fs.open(path, flags[, mode], callback) is the method which is used to open a file.

Answer : B


fs.stat(path, callback) is the method which is used to get information about a file.

Answer : D


fs.read(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) is the method which is used to read a file.

Answer : B


fs.writeFile(path, flags[, mode], callback) is the method which is used to write a file.

Answer : A


fs.close(fd, callback) is the method which is used to close a file.

Answer : C


fs.ftruncate(fd, len, callback) is the method which is used to truncate a file.

Answer : C


fs.unlink(path, callback) is the method which is used to delete a file.

Answer : C


fs.readdir(path, callback)is the method which is used to read a directory.

Answer : B


fs.rmdir(path, callback) is the method which is used to remove a directory.

Answer : C


Node.js global objects are global in nature and they are available in all modules. We do not need to include these objects in our application, rather we can use them directly.

Answer : C


The setTimeout(cb, ms) global function is used to run callback cb after at least ms milliseconds. The actual delay depends on external factors like OS timer granularity and system load. A timer cannot span more than 24.8 days. This function returns an opaque value that represents the timer which can be used to clear the timer.

Answer : A


The clearTimeout( t ) global function is used to stop a timer that was previously created with setTimeout(). Here t is the timer returned by setTimeout() function.

Answer : C


The setInterval(cb, ms) global function is used to run callback cb repeatedly after at least ms milliseconds. The actual delay depends on external factors like OS timer granularity and system load. - A timer cannot span more than 24.8 days. This function returns an opaque value that represents the timer which can be used to clear the timer using the function clearInterval(t).

Answer Sheet

Question Number Answer Key
1 A
2 A
3 A
4 C
5 C
6 D
7 C
8 A
9 C
10 C
11 A
12 B
13 D
14 B
15 A
16 C
17 C
18 C
19 B
20 C
21 C
22 A
23 C
24 A
25 C