Legal Aid and Advocates

In country like India, where financial disparity is very wide, the provision of legal aid plays critical role, as it fills the financial gap by providing free legal service to all marginalized and poor class. The purpose of legal aid to ensure that all individuals who because of financial hurdle unable to access justice for themselves, can get legal service, such as advice, representation, and fair trial at par with the wealthy people.

Legal Aid Services in India

The concept of legal aid in India is enshrined in Article 39A of the Constitution. This Article directs every state (of India) to ensure that justice is not denied to any citizen merely because of financial or other such disabilities.

Furthermore, to provide a proper structure and implement the idea of legal aid, an exclusive law legislated namely “the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987.” This Act established legal services authorities at the national, state, and district levels with the sole purpose to provide free and competent legal services to eligible individuals. And, all such actions are governed and regulated by the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA). NALSA administers the implementation of legal aid programs across the country.

Role of Advocates in Providing Legal Aid

In the provision of legal aid, role of Advocates, is vital, as without a legal expert service of legal aid cannot be materialized. As a legal expert, only advocates are licensed to provide legal representation, especially in the court proceedings. Their active participation in legal aid services goes beyond traditional legal practice, as it also incorporates a commitment to ensure justice for all.

However, following are the key roles that advocates play in delivering legal aid −

  • Pro Bono Services − The literal meaning of ‘pro bono’ is “for the public good” and usually connotes free service or service provided at very low cost by the respective professionals. Many advocates are kind enough to offer their professional services to needy people on pro bono basis. The pro bono work involves the services like, providing legal advice, counselling, legal representation in the court, etc.

  • Legal Advice and Counseling − Usually, young advocates actively participate in legal aid clinics and other such programs and provide their legal advice and counselling to all those individuals seeking guidance on different legal matters.

  • Representation in Courts − If clients need to file a case, then advocates file case and actively engage in their representation in courts or other such forum. This type of support by an advocate ensures that those individuals who cannot afford private legal representation can also have access to competent and quality legal representation.

  • Community Legal Education − To educate and aware people (especially those who are living in remote regions); some of the advocates organize or participate in community legal education programs. Under such programs, they conduct workshops and seminars to raise awareness about legal rights and responsibilities. Such legal knowledge helps people to abide law and also protect their rights.

  • Collaboration with Legal Aid Organizations − Some of the more interested advocate permanently collaborate with legal aid organizations to provide their legal services on pro bono basis. Collaboration of this type, promotes legal aid initiatives and ensure quality legal service to needy people.

  • Promotion of Alternative Dispute Resolution − For hassle-free dispute resolution (especially for the civil cases), advocates, usually, promote alternative dispute resolution by means of arbitration and mediation. However, mediation is commonly preferred to resolve such dispute. All these mechanisms of dispute resolution provide cost-effective and efficient ways to resolve disputes outside the conventional court setting.

Importance of Pro Bono Work for Advocates

Pro bono work, that usually practiced for the “public good," is a decisive aspect of an advocate's professional responsibility. Advocates who are engaged in pro bono work contribute significantly to the welfare of society and the accessibility of justice.

Following are the importance of pro bono work for advocates −

  • Easy Access to Justice for Vulnerable Individuals and Community − Because of pro bono facility, individuals and even entire community who normally cannot afford legal services, can easily access legal services as per their requirements.

  • Promoting Equal Justice Under Law − Advocates who participate in pro bono work uphold and promote the principle of equal justice that enshrined in the Indian Constitution.

  • Fulfilling Legal and Ethical Obligations − Advocates, being an intellectual class of a society, also have some social duty to give their services for the welfare of the society at large. So, by doing so, not only ensure justice for the individuals, but also promote peace and harmony in the society.

  • Building Public Trust and Confidence − Because of having philanthropic in nature, pro bono work secure public trust in the legal profession. Further, it develops positive image of advocates as professionals dedicated to the well-being of society.

  • Addressing Gaps − One of the important aspects of pro bono service is, it fills the gap in legal services. It ensures that maximum number of people receive legal assistance, especially in areas where legal aid organizations may be limited or even not present.

  • Professional Development and Skill Enhancement − The pro bono service is not benefiting only deprived class, but rather it also acts as guide that helps advocates to develop and strengthen their legal knowledge and gain more applied experience. Likewise, it provides an opportunity to handle diverse cases that in turn enhance their skills and expand their legal knowledge beyond their regular practice areas.

Moreover, the importance of pro bono work lies in its transformative impact that equally benefits the individuals, communities, and the legal profession.


Legal aid service through the collaborative efforts of advocates (who are working on pro bono basis) and legal aid clinics and organizations are indispensable elements in promoting a just and inclusive legal system in India. By working together, advocates and legal aid NGOs and organizations amplify their impact. They ensure that justice is not a privilege but a right for every individual, irrespective of their socio-economic background. However, this synergy is very important for building a legal framework that reflects the principles of equality, fairness, and accessibility, thereby strengthening the foundations of a democratic society.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.How do advocates contribute to legal aid services in India?

Ans.Advocates are the focal point who play an indispensable role in legal aid. They offer the services of their experience and legal expertise on pro bono basis or at very nominal fees. Their such efforts bridge the gap in legal services for the underprivileged.

Q2.Are legal aid services limited to certain types of cases?

Ans.Not at all, legal aid covers almost all sorts of cases, including civil, criminal, family disputes, business or partnership dispute, and more. The purpose is to address diverse legal needs within the community.

Q3.How can individuals avail themselves of legal aid services in India?

Ans.To avail the legal aid services, an individuals can either approach legal aid centers located in the headquarters of district of their resident, usually in the district court premises. Besides, they can also approach NGOs, or government-sponsored legal aid authorities to seek assistance, if any available nearby their home.

Q4.Is pro bono work common among Indian advocates?

Ans.Definitely yes. Many advocates interestingly and actively engaged in pro bono work as a commitment to social justice. Besides, Bar associations often encourage and recognize such voluntary contributions.

Q5.Can legal aid be accessed in rural areas of India?

Ans.Though not much accessible, but efforts are being made to make legal aid accessible even in rural areas. Government backed up programs supported by some NGOs are striving to run mobile legal aid clinics, awareness programs, etc. in remote part of the country.

Q6.Are there specific laws governing legal aid in India?

Ans.Yes, the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987, governs legal aid in India. The Act defines and outlines the statutory framework for providing free legal services to all the eligible people and even community.

Q7.How can advocates contribute to creating awareness about legal aid?

Ans.Though a little lengthy process, but Advocates can conduct legal awareness sessions preferably in remote area, and use their platforms to educate the public about the importance of legal aid.

Updated on: 15-Dec-2023


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