Kelvin Scale


The Kelvin or the kelvin scale is denoted or represented by the symbol K, it is the S.I. unit of temperature (T). It is an absolute (abs) thermodynamic (td) temperature (T) scale, which means it uses absolute zero (0) as its null or zero point. The mathematical formula relating the Celsius and the kelvin scale is- K=°C+273 or, T(K)=T(°C)+273. We can convert this kelvin scale to any other scale and vice-versa using the following formula- (K-273)/100=C/100=(F-32)/180=R/80. The Fahrenheit scale (s) is also a temperature (T) scale. Its S.I. unit is degrees Fahrenheit, and it is denoted by the symbol °F. The boiling point (b.p.) of water is found to be 212 °F, both at sea level and under STP (standard atmospheric pressure). The Celsius scale or the centigrade scale is a standard temperature (T) scale, its SI. unit is °C.

What is Kelvin Scale?

Kelvin temperature (T) scale is a temperature (T) scale, having an absolute (abs) zero (0) below which temperatures (T) do not exist. Absolute zero or 0°K corresponds to -273.15°C. The Kelvin degree is the same (similar) size as the Celsius (c ) degree, hence the two (2) reference temperatures (T) for Celsius (c), the freezing point (f.p.) of water (0°C), and the boiling point (b.p.) of water that is 100°C correspond to 273.15°K and 373.15°K, respectively. While writing temperatures (T) in the Kelvin scale, it is the convention (c) to omit or remove the degree symbol (s) and only use the letter K. This scale is named after William Thomson Kelvin, who proposed it in the year 1848. This scale can be converted or interchanged with the rest of the scales. This scale also finds several uses in different fields.

Celsius_kelvin_estandar_1954.png: Homo logos derivative work: kismalac, CelsiusKelvin, CC BY-SA 3.0

Kelvin Scale Formula

  • Kelvin scale can be converted into Celsius and Fahrenheit scales and these two (Celsius and Fahrenheit) can be converted into Kelvin (K) scale.

  • Kelvin (K) to Celsius conversion formula − For converting or transforming Kelvin (K) into degrees Celsius, the formula is given by K-273.15=°C.

  • Kelvin (K) to Fahrenheit conversion formula− For converting or transforming Kelvin (K) into degree Fahrenheit, the formula is given by (K-273.15)×9/5+32=°F.

  • Celsius to Kelvin (K) conversion formula − For converting or transforming degree Celsius into Kelvin (K), the formula is given by °C+273.15=K.

  • Fahrenheit to Kelvin (K) conversion formula − For converting or transforming degree Fahrenheit into Kelvin (K), the formula is given by (°F-32)×5/9+273.15=K.

Fahrenheit Scale

The Fahrenheit scale is denoted or represented by the symbol (°F). It is among the common temperature (T) measuring scales, most widely used in the US or the United States and also in some Caribbean (c) parts. This scale was discovered or proposed by the scientist named Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in the years of 18th century. But this scale has similarities to the measurement standards from the earlier (e) version of one scale that was invented by Ole Roemer. Water condenses or freezes (f) at a temperature (T) of 32°F and boils (b) at a temperature (T) of 212°F. Here the temperature scale can also take or consider negative (-ve) values.

Celsius Scale

The Celsius (c) scale is globally used for measuring or finding out the temperatures (T). But in the early 18th century, there were 2 (two) versions of this Celsius (c) temperature Scale (s). One of them was discovered by Anders Celsius, he was a Swedish scientist, and the other one was discovered by Jean Pierre Cristin, he was a French scientist. This scale is also termed or called the Centigrade scale (s) because it is based on a division (div) of 100 degrees’ b/w the boiling points (b.p) and the freezing points (f.p) of water. Every degree (°) of Fahrenheit (F) is approximately 1.8 times that of the size (s) of one (1) degree Celsius (c) because of the settings or arrangements of the boiling points (b.p.) and the freezing points (f.p). This scale can also take or consider negative (-ve) values.

Kelvin Scale

Kelvin temperature (T) scale or simply kelvin scale is a temperature (T) scale, having an absolute (abs) zero (0) below which temperatures (T) do not exist. Absolute zero or 0°K corresponds to -273.15°C. The Kelvin degree is the same (similar) size as the Celsius (c) degree, hence the two (2) reference temperatures (T) for Celsius (c ), the freezing point (f.p.) of water (0°C), and the boiling point (b.p.) of water that is 100°C correspond to 273.15°K and 373.15°K, respectively. While writing temperatures (T) in the Kelvin scale, it is the convention (c) to omit or remove the degree symbol (s) and only use the letter K. This scale is named after William Thomson Kelvin, who proposed it in the year 1848. He was a British Mathematician and also a physicist. This scale can be converted or interchanged with the rest of the scales.

Temperatures Conversions

Temperature conversion is described as a process of changing the value of temperatures (T) from one unit to another. There are temperature conversion formulas that are used for the conversion process. And the formulas are listed below −

  • Celsius to Kelvin- °C+273.15=K.

  • Kelvin to Celsius- K-273.15=°C.

  • Celsius to Fahrenheit- C×(9/5)+32=°F.

  • Fahrenheit to Celsius- (F-32)×(5/9)=°C.

  • Fahrenheit to Kelvin- (°F-32)×5/9+273.15=K.

  • Kelvin to Fahrenheit- (K-273.15)×9/5+32=°F.


The Kelvin scale or the kelvin temperature scale is denoted or represented by the symbol K, it is the S.I. unit of temperature (T). It is an absolute (abs) thermodynamic temperature (T) scale, which means it uses absolute zero (0) as its null or zero (0) point. One (1) kelvin (K) is equal to a difference in the thermodynamic (td) temperature (T) that results (gives) in a change (c) of thermal (ΔH) energy that is KT by 1.380649×10-23 J. The mathematical formula relating the Celsius and the kelvin scale is- K=°C+273 or, T(K)=T(°C)+273. The Fahrenheit scale (s) is also a temperature (T) scale. Its S.I. unit is degrees Fahrenheit, and it is denoted by the symbol °F. The Celsius scale or the centigrade scale is a standard temperature (T) scale, its SI. unit is °C.


1. Define absolute zero temperature.

The Temperature at zero kelvin that is equal to -273°C, at which particles stop moving and all the disorders disappear is called absolute zero temperature.

2. What do you mean by freezing point?

The Freezing point is described as the temperature (T) of a liquid (l) at which it transforms its state (s) from liquid to solid (s) at atmospheric pressure.

3. What is the boiling point of pure water?

Pure water boils at exactly 100 °C or 212 °F or 273.15 K.

4. What are the different units for measuring temperature?

Different units for measuring temperature (T) are- Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, Rankine, and Newton.

5. Mention some uses of the Kelvin Scale.

  • It is widely used in the field of science for various kinds of measurement purposes.

  • It is used in the colour temperature determination of a lamp.

Updated on: 22-Mar-2024


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