Is having non-veg safe outside?

Non-vegetarian food is a major attraction for the meat-eating kinds. In fact, the possibility of variance in the recipes is much higher compared to vegetarian. We would easily find restaurants and food stalls that sell non-veg food, but there would not be much of them selling vegetarian. While the non-veg food available outside is yummy, it is debatable if the non-veg food outside is safe to consume. According to me, it's better we restrict our non-veg taste buds to either homemade stuff or from a quality restaurant. Here's why -

Proper Hygiene

Although we don't know what goes on in a restaurant, this is especially true for the food stalls. The food is exposed to pollutants and contaminants, and there are high chances that the cook does not bother to wash his hands using soap. The germs on his/her hand get conveniently transferred to the food and that's what we end up eating. So, make sure that you ask the cook to wash his hands using soap before he prepares the dish for you and if possible eat from a place that's well covered to keep the food safe from pollutants.

Beware of What You Eat

This one's going to be a bit gross, but it's a fact. If you are a red meat eater but only consume sheep meet, you may need to be a bit more careful while eating red meat outside. Many a time the food stalls may replace the meat with some other meat variety which may not be safe.

Oil and Spices Galore

The non-veg outside is usually made with lots of oil and spices which may be gastronomically enticing, but not so safe for your health. It can cause severe acidity issues or food poisoning which can be life-threatening too.

Updated on: 27-Apr-2022


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