How to Play Jenga

Jenga is a tabletop game that challenges hand dexterity as players have to remove rectangular wooden blocks from a stack and place them on top of the tower. It requires some anticipation skills as players have to anticipate the moves of the next player. For instance, you can pull a challenging piece from the set, so the next player is bound to topple the tower in their next move.

New to the game? Don't worry; we got you covered. In this article, we have discussed how to play Jenga in a step-by-step process.

Part 1: Setting Up the Jenga Blocks

Let's start this tutorial with the steps that you should follow to set up the Jenga blocks properly −

Set Up the Tower

Put all your Jenga blocks on a flat surface. Generally, each Jenga set contains 54 blocks of wooden pieces, with each layer containing three Jenga blocks.

Stack the blocks in sets of three. Place three blocks and start adding three more blocks on each layer, building a tower 18 blocks high.

Make the Tower Sturdy

You must make the tower sturdy enough so that it doesn't fall off when someone pulls a block. You must interlock each block in a way such that the tower stands in the proper place, even without any external support.

You can use your hands or a flat object to smoothen the edges of the tower and push in any pieces coming out of the structure.

Bring in All the Players

You need at least two players to start the game. Although there is no limitation on the maximum number of players, keeping it between 6-8 will allows you to get more turns and keep everyone engaged.

Start by making everyone sit in a circle around the Jenga Tower. If it's two people, you should sit on opposite sides facing each other.

Write Some Directives on the Blocks

Also known as Jenga Questions, it is a variation of Jenga. It is an optional part of the game that serves as a conversation starter and icebreaker, making it more fun. Before you start towering, write something on each block, such as some interesting question, dare, or task. So, when someone pulls a block, they have to do the task written on the block.

Tips − While some people write questions on the block, don't do that, as erasing the questions could be a tedious process. Instead, you can write the numbers on each block from 1-54. Then use a corresponding question sheet. In that way, you can change questions by using a new question set.

What to Write on Jenga Blocks?

Here is a set of sample questions for your Jenga game −

  • Never ever I have…

  • Would you rather… (Eat a jar of mayonnaise or wear a lady's top, etc.)

  • Simple questions like "what's your favorite show/food/animal," etc.

  • Some embarrassing questions

  • Some dare you to want players to perform

Part 2: Playing Jenga

In this section of the tutorial, let's highlight the rules that are to be followed while playing Jenga −

Pull the First Block

You need to pick a person to pull the first block. This could be the host of the game, the person who built the tower, or someone who volunteers.

Remove the Block

Now it's time to play the game. The first player needs to remove a block from the tower, except the block from the top. The goal is not to remove it in a way that doesn't make the tower fall. Now use the removed block to push out a dislodged block and replace it with the block you just removed from the tower.

Make sure you use the same hand to remove the dislodged block after pushing it out completely.

Place the Block on Top of the Tower

The player who removed the block should put it back on top of the tower, ensuring each layer has three blocks. The tower goes higher and higher as the game progresses until it gets unstable and falls.

The Crashing of the Tower

The last person whose move crashes the tower will be the loser of the game.

Part 3: Building Strategy

In this final section of the tutorial, let's discuss the strategies that you can use while playing Jenga with your friends −

Do Not Rush

Jenga demands good precision and patience. Don't try to rush the game; take your sweet time or you will definitely make the tower to fall down.

Check for Easy Blocks

A gentle poke on the tower will give you an idea about which blocks are safe to remove. Check for blocks that are protruding from the tower, but also check whether removing any one of them would hamper the tower's stability.

Each layer of the tower has three parallel blocks, with two on the sides and one in the middle. Going for the middle block gives me more chances to remove it without hurting the tower's stability.

Always aim to remove the blocks from the top portion or middle of the stack, as removing them from the bottom part can dangerously destabilize the structure. 

Poke, Tap, or Wiggle

Gently poke the block from one side if you plan to remove a center block. Taking a block from the sides can be risky. However, if you have to, try pinching the end of the block using your thumb and forefinger and wiggling it carefully so it becomes a little loose. A combination of tapping and wiggling is an excellent strategy to remove difficultly-placed blocks.

Check the Tilt

Check which way the tower is tilting once you remove a block. Place the removed block on the side that you think will balance the tilt and make the tower strong again. Another strategy is placing the block on a weaker side, making it even more challenging for other players to remove it without crashing the tower.

Be Competitive

Although you are playing Jenga for fun, a bit of competitiveness doesn't hurt. You can make plans to destabilize the tower so that it falls when the next player pulls a block.

However, you should also respect the other players and don't become a bad sport and start to ruin the game on purpose. Play Jenga to have a good fun‑time with your friends.

Updated on: 21-Feb-2023


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