How to Make Your Car Smell Good?

The aroma of a brand-new vehicle is unparalleled. The leather's scent and clean upholstery bring us back to happy memories. Sadly, this smell does not last. Our automobiles eventually start to smell terrible with use and dirty habits. Getting into a stinky car doesn't feel nice, whether you're leaving for the day or just getting ready to go home. You might have spilled your beverage on the foot mats long ago, or your kids left their wet shoes, food pieces, or anything else dirty lying on the passenger seat. No matter what caused it, driving in a smelly automobile may be unpleasant, particularly in a warm summer. Use these simple methods to make your automobile smell clean and new quickly.

Cleanse the Air Vents

The state of the ventilation system is among the most frequent reasons a car smells terrible. The air entering the automobile will smell after accumulating enough dirt and bacteria. Start by cleaning the air vents of the automobile. You can utilize a tiny, delicate sponge or microfiber cloth. The bottom vents and the higher vents should both be cleaned. In the meanwhile, inspect the interior air filter. To maintain your automobile smelling fresh, this needs to be replaced frequently. The last step is to empty the A/C overflow. To get rid of collected dirt and debris, squeeze the drain tube.

Fabric Fresheners and Dryer Sheets

Dangle some dryer sheets from the air conditioner's vents for a fast refresher. The cloth sheets will serve as a vehicle deodorizer. Additionally, a packet of dryer sheets having a few tiny holes in one of the corners will last longer than the typical vehicle freshener. Put this underneath the seat for a persistent scent. Using typical home fresheners, you may also create your air fresheners. You can store them in tiny mesh bags or jars with perforations in the lid. Place them on the dashboard, in the cup holder, or beneath the seats for a refreshing fragrance

Coffee Beans

One of the most stimulating aromas you may have in your automobile is the fragrance of coffee beans. Add beans to a little pouch, a pair of socks, or even a paper bag. They effectively eliminate unpleasant automobile odors and work as excellent deodorizers. Consider placing the seeds underneath the seats as a cheap deodorizer and freshener. To keep the beans fresh, remember to switch out the container occasionally or so. Alternatively, you could use ground coffee, but you would need to place it in tiny, stable containers, like a sprinkler. Ensure it's in a sturdy location, like the cup holder, so you won't require extra cleaning on occasion they spill.

Aromatic Oils

Your automobile will not just smell fantastic with the help of aromatic oils. Despite what some people may believe, you only ever need a few drops of scented oil. Place it on the dashboard for immediate vehicle aromatherapy, assuming you have an existing diffuser. Cotton balls applied with a couple of droplets of oil work just as well. For quick refreshment, place these on the air vents or compartments.

Additionally, you may use a sprayer to sprinkle it within the car by adding a few drops of oil mixed with water. If you're traveling with sensitive passengers, you may also utilize variations such as peppermint to prevent nausea or motion sickness. They won't only be free of vertigo, but your automobile will also smell good.

Scented Candles

Using scented candles is another quick and inexpensive approach to maintaining a fresh aroma in your car. Various scent alternatives are available for purchase, but if you don't have particular preferences, you may even utilize the unused ones you already have. Use a salt shaker or a tiny mason jar with a hole in the lid to contain the wax. Place them on the dashboard or underneath the seats. The scent will disperse within the car when exposed to the sun, but the wax will melt inside the container. Without any further work on your side, you will be greeted by a fragrant smell.

Cleaning Habits

To keep your car smelling fresh for a long time, it's necessary to maintain excellent practices in addition to routine auto cleaning. Because the fragrance will linger on the upholstery even with the window open, avoid smoking in vehicles. Ensure that waste is correctly disposed of, especially food or drink. Getting rid of the bad stench caused by leaving rubbish inside the car will be challenging, especially overnight or in warm weather. If spills do occur, clean them up as quickly as possible and thoroughly. Over time, a spilled substance can build up, making cleanup and odor control more challenging.

Aromatic Oil with Baking Soda

To keep your car smelling fresh for a long time, maintaining excellent practices in addition to routine auto cleaning is necessary. Because the fragrance will linger on the upholstery even with the window open, avoid smoking in vehicles. Ensure that waste is properly disposed of, especially food or drink. Getting rid of the bad stench caused by leaving rubbish inside the car will be tough, especially overnight or in warm weather. If spills do occur, clean them up as quickly as possible and completely. Over time, the spilled substance can build up, making cleanup and odor control more challenging.

As you Drive, Open Windows.

The first action you should take when a stench enters your automobile and won't leave is to attempt to get the odor out. Ensure there are no papers or other items in the vehicle that may blow out when you're driving, and choose a warm day. If it's windy outside, park the car in the parking lot with the windows and doors open if you don't want to drive about with the windows up. Then some of the odor will drift outside


Precautions to take to Avoid Odour in Car

  • Never leave food or beverages in the vehicle. Try your best to remember to clear these items out of your car every day, even if it might be simple to overlook the meal in the passenger seat, the rice that was accidentally dropped some other time, or the stale fruit in the cup holder. Food rots rapidly inside a car, so what started as a barely objectionable stench can suddenly become an overwhelming smell of decomposing organic materials.

  • Particularly when it involves foodstuff, never leave trash in your car. This includes wrappers, packets, containers from fast food restaurants, coffee mugs, and other types of garbage. When you leave your vehicle at the end of the trip, remove any trash you've gathered with you and recycle it or properly dispose of it.


Your car's scent and feel will significantly improve with these easy suggestions. The automobile becomes clean and fresh due to all these normal tasks. The best part is that there is, in fact, hope for stinky cars in the end. You can easily maintain the freshness of your automobile right now! You can keep your vehicle's fragrance great the whole day with only a Godrej aer and these suggestions. You will have the pleasure of every journey if you have an automobile at your side that constantly smells clean.

Updated on: 18-Apr-2023


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