How to Make Pancakes?

Imagine, on a fine Sunday morning, you wish to make something new, delicious, and healthy breakfast for your kids, but alas, you're out of ideas. You hop on to your phone and ask google. It gives you many choices for an "easy healthy breakfast for kids," but your eyes immediately gravitate toward fluffy white pancakes. Self-made pancakes are indeed a delightful thing in the morning.

You are bound to find hundreds of different recipes for pancakes, different variations, and a lot of them seem too complex! Don't let them lower your spirits. Fear not, for we are here to provide you with how to make two of the most famous and scrumptious variations of pancakes in a few simple steps! Both of them are trendy on social media these days. Go through this tutorial to find their recipe.

American-style "Stacked Pancakes"

American-styled Stacked pancakes originated back in the 18th century as one of the most elite breakfasts served. They are literally cakes you make in a pan rather than in the oven. They are also called hotcakes, flapjacks, and griddle cakes and have more texture.

For this, you would require the following ingredients −

  • One and a half cups of milk

  • One egg

  • Two cups of all-purpose flour

  • One-fourth cup of granulated sugar

  • One tsp salt

  • One-fourth tsp baking soda

  • One tsp baking powder

  • Two tsp melted butter

Step 1

Take a bowl, crack one egg and add one and a half cups of milk. Take the whisk and friskily whisk the mixture in rotational and anti-rotational stirring. Keep whisking until both things get adequately mixed and form a nice texture.

Step 2

Two cups of all-purpose flour should be added to another bowl. Continue constantly mixing the flour while you add 1/4 cup granulated sugar, 1 tablespoon salt, 1/4 cup baking soda, and then 1 tablespoon baking powder (the proper amount will bring forth the fluffiness of the pancakes). Whisk the mixture properly until all the ingredients mix together.

Step 3

Add the milk-egg mixture to the dry mixture; while whisking it slowly, add the two tablespoons of melted butter, as it will give a strong smell and provide a nice, soft texture to the batter. Keep whisking until everything is mixed and the batter is smooth with a little sticky consistency. It is ok if there are lumps here and there, it won't affect the texture or quality. Now all that is left is to rest the batter for five minutes.

Step 4

Now pre-heat a non-stick pan or skillet over medium heat and apply oil over the pan properly. You can also brush the pan with a couple of teaspoons of unsalted butter, but that's completely optional.

Step 5

Add a few dollops of your batter as an "idli" or pie by the size of your pan. Let them sizzle in the oil/butter, and cook them for about two to three minutes until the bottom turns sizzling golden brown.

Step 6

When the bottom turns golden, small bubbles form over the raw batter. Now, it is time to flip them over and cook them for another two to three minutes, turning them from sloppy batter to fluffy little pancakes. An additional tip, cook them while checking their softness, or else they will turn firm and crispy, which none of us will like.

Step 7

Take them into a plate, and now you can stack one over another and let them rest for a minute. Your beautiful, fluffy pancakes are ready. Now, for the toppings, you can add butter on top of it and drizzle it with some of the sweet maple syrup over it, or you can add jaggery syrup over it.

Your fluffy, sweet American-style stacked pancakes are ready to serve.

Serving Tips − Set the oven to the lowest temperature and place a few baking trays inside to keep the pancakes warm while you prepare the rest of them if you plan to serve them all at once.

How to Make Japanese Soufflés

The Japanese Soufflés, which despite their name, are from Hawaii, were created by a chef at a Cream pot restaurant.

For this, you would require the following ingredients −

  • Two eggs

  • One tsp whole milk

  • One tsp vanilla extract

  • One-fourth cup of cake flour

  • Three-fourth tsp baking powder

  • Half tsp fine sea salt

  • Two and a half tsp granulated sugar

  • Water

  • Whipped cream

  • Powdered sugar

  • Butter

  • Maple Syrup

This recipe is a little tricky, but we are sure you will pull up just fine.

Step 1

Start by cracking the two eggs into a medium bowl and separating them into two bowls. Both the whites and the yolks need their bowl.

Step 2

Use the whisk and tap the yolks once and add one tablespoon of whole milk and one tablespoon of vanilla extract and whisk all that together until the mixture is completely smooth.

Step 3

Using a strainer, incorporate one-fourth spoonful of cake flour now (to make it finer). Add three-fourths of baking powder and half a teaspoon of acceptable sea salt. Make sure to shift them up nicely, whisk that together until thoroughly combined, and place them aside.

Step 4

Take the bowl with the egg whites, and beat them friskily with a whisk or electric blender, and once they reach a nice soft peak that is quite foamy, begin slowly adding two and a half tablespoons of granulated sugar, a little bit at a time until all of it is added.

Keep on whipping until you get nice, foamy, stiff peaks. Be careful not to overbeat it and turn it into liquid. It must have a glossy white, foamy structure with a thick consistency. The meringue mixture is ready.

Step 5

Now fold in a quarter of your meringue into the yolk mixture until thoroughly incorporated, then the next fourth, and then fold again until combined. Repeat this a few more times until all of the meringue is added to the yolk mixture.

Step 6

Now carefully transfer all of that mixture to a piping bag or just a plastic bag, and cut an edge of the piping bag.

Step 7

Now pre-heat a non-stick pan or skillet over low heat until the pan is finely hot, and apply oil over the pan properly. You can also brush the pan with a couple of teaspoons of unsalted butter, but that's completely optional.

Step 8

Pipe two evenly sized mounds through the cut of the bag and add a spoonful of water in the blank areas of the pan, immediately cover and let that steam, and cook for five minutes.

Step 9

Then lift the lid, you might notice a little spread, and that's completely normal. Pipe another large mound that is evenly shaped over the cooked ones and add another spoonful of water to those empty areas, cover, and cook this for another five minutes.

Open the lid, and now it is time to flip them over. You may notice the brown coating, and using a spatula, carefully roll them over to the other side without scraping off the brown coating. Add another spoonful of water to the empty areas, then cover them with the lid and let them cook for another three to four minutes. This recipe requires a bit more preparation time than the previous one.

Step 10

The moment of truth! Take them out on a plate gently, top it with an ample amount of whipped cream and gently sprinkle generous amounts of powdered sugar over it. You can also add maple syrup though it is not the traditional way of having Soufflés.

And finally, your soft, fluffy Japanese Soufflés are ready to serve.

Extra Serving Tips − Except for the toppings, as mentioned earlier, you can add a pat of butter, vanilla custard, Lemon curd, Jams, or even fresh berries.


If you are worried and searching for what to make for breakfast that is light, sweet, and healthy, what better way to serve yourself with some beautifully baked, fluffy pancakes? Though the way people look at making pancakes seems quite a hectic task, in reality, it is effortless and quite tasteful indeed!

American-style pancakes are served hot and stacked with butter on top and maple syrup drizzled throughout. In Japanese soufflé pancakes, the egg whites are cooled and beaten before being folded into the meringue mixture to create these towering, airy wedges. There's no limit to topping options – make them as sweet and colourful as you like.

These simple recipes can benefit those worried mothers concerned about what to provide their kids for school's tiffin or the student who has to cook for themselves. Try this easy recipe, and soon you won't be able to resist licking your fingers.

Updated on: 23-Nov-2022


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