How to Make a Paper Airplane?

It must have been hard to keep your child away from the mobile or TV when all they do is scroll through the feed endlessly, and with the modern lifestyle of kids, that is, not going outside to play sports or have hangouts, your kid can get pretty bored. What can you do to fascinate your toddler? How about teaching him to make a paper plane that broke the world record or the one which boomerangs back to you? Seems fun? So here are two of the most famous Paper Plane tutorials that left the world in awe!

Folded paper gliders are thought to have originated in Ancient China. However, evidence is available that the refining and development of folded gliders occurred in equal measure in Japan. Undoubtedly, China started producing paper in large quantities around 500 BCE, and a century later, between 460 and 390 BCE, origami and paper folding gained popularity. No one can even determine the shape of the original paper airplane, let alone the location or method of construction.

Making a Paper Plane Glider

Step 1 − The best thing about a paper plane is all you need is an A4 size paper! Now fold from the top right edge to the long side of the paper, making it like a trapezium. Make sure the folded center is pressed, and the edges match each other. Unfold it, and repeat it for the other top edge. The paper should have a cross-like crease.

Step 2 − Now pick a side and fold it so it touches the crease that side has created. Press the fold firmly to produce a crease over it. Then, unfold the other side. Repeat.

Step 3 − Now fold both of them, touching the crease and overlaying each other.

Step 4 − From the top, fold it downwards, and press the edges to form a crease. There shall be outlines of the side triangles formed underneath the folded top part. Now, fold the sides along that outline, creating two triangles touching each other barely.

Step 5 − Flip the paper and from the vertical center of the paper, fold the whole thing into two parts. Ensure that the folded sides are correctly pressed to create a crease. It should look like a trapezium on both sides, with a small triangle overlaid over it and an infolding peeking out from the gaps of the triangles.

Step 6 − Now take the edge of the trapezium formed, and fold it to the bottom edge. Press the folded edges and repeat on the other side of the paper in the same way. It should be diamond shaped with the top and bottom "V."

Step 7 − Now, slightly fold the sides triangularly for extra streamlining. Those shall work like speed bumpers for the plane and slightly curve the outer edges in the back so the aircraft can gain more fantastic lift.

Your paper plane is ready and can cover long distances relatively quickly.

Making a Paper Plane that Can Boomerang

A boomerang paper plane is a folded paper aircraft that returns to you. Some designs fly in a horizontal pattern, while others fly in a vertical circle from low to high. All are great activities for kids to try, but there are some tips for success.

Step 1 − Take another piece of A4 paper. If you don't have one, take a bit of letter paper and trim its edges.

Step 2 − Fold it in half vertically to form a rectangle. Firmly press the edges so a crease forms, unfolding the whole thing.

Step 3 − Slightly fold the top, making a tiny long fold along the horizontal axis, and flip over. Make two triangles along the vertical crease using the two top edges.

Step 4 − Fold the triangles downward to form a single triangle and press the edges. Now flip over, and make two triangles along the vertical crease again. Press the edges properly. This time there would be an infolding poking out of the triangle formed.

Step 5 − Flip over, and unfold this side of the triangles. Now using the crease formed, fold the edges along the crease twice to create a long outward triangle.

Step 6 − Flip over again, fold the infolded part upwards and overlay the triangle. There must be a pocket between the two sides at the top edge, and slip it inside the small triangle of the other side.

Step 7 − Flip over once again, and fold the plane into two halves. Press the edges and then fold the other edges once again towards the pressed edge. Repeat it on the other side. It will be diamond-shaped, with the top and bottom edges shaped like a "V."

Step 8 − For extra lift, slightly curve the edges at the end. It will help keep the plane afloat.

Your boomerang plane is ready to soar the skies!


A paper plane, also called a paper airplane in the United States or a paper airplane in the United Kingdom is a toy airplane, usually a glider made of a single folded sheet of paper or paperboard. Another name for a paper dart is a straightforward, nose-heavy paper airplane.

In this article, we have provided two of the most famous and fascinating paper plane tutorials, World-record holding paper plane and a boomerang paper plane. All you need is some A4 sheet paper, and by following a few simple steps, you can easily make them. Once you've mastered the fundamental design, gather friends and hold flying contests to see how far your plane can fly or how long it can stay in the air.

Updated on: 05-Dec-2022


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