How to Kick a Soccer Ball?

Although kicking is a generalized term in soccer, the topic itself is pretty extensive. Unlike other sports like rugby, where the score is based on the number of kicks; in soccer, you have several types of kicking methods ranging from the first touch to passing, to shooting, and more. For beginners, the goal is to lay the foundation in kicking a soccer ball and learn the rest of the skills as you continue to grow and gather more experience.

In this tutorial, we have covered essential learning guides and kicking techniques, including advanced techniques to help you with your soccer practice.

Step 1: Prepare Yourself for the Kick

Before kicking a soccer ball, it is important to learn how to control the ball and prepare yourself for the kick. While kicking the ball, your objective is to

  • Direct the ball the way you want, either pass or dribble

  • Keep it from the reach of defenders

  • Keep it under your feet so that to play and move it as you want

Being delicate with the ball is the key to learning the first touch. Imagine playing the ball on the first floor in a way that does not disturb the people on the ground floor. You can use the outside, inside, sole, or laces of your foot depending on the direction of the ball coming towards you. It is a good idea to kick the ball 1-2 feet toward the way you want the ball to go.

Drills to Improve Your Kicking Technique

Do the following five drills to improve your kicking technique. You would need a partner or can practice against the wall.

  • Learn stationary trapping and passing the wall

  • Receive the ball from inside your foot

  • Receive the ball from outside your foot

  • Run toward the ball for a one-touch pass

  • Run away from the ball and make a one-touch pass

Focus on the Ball and on Your Feet

Keep your eyes on the ball at all times while kicking. Place the ball exactly where you plan to kick. It is best to look at the middle of the ball while kicking.

Proper foot placement is crucial for a powerful kick. Put your non-kicking foot in the direction you want to kick the ball. Your non-kicking foot helps redirect the ball to the right side if you mistakenly kicked it to the opposite side.

Lock Your Ankle

A weak ankle results in an ineffective kick. Strengthen your ankle by tightening the muscles around your ankle, followed by pointing your toes down in full strength. Imagine pointing your toe downward so that it touches your calf. Similarly, for passing, you need to point your toe up, trying to touch it with your shin.

Move Your Arms

Move your arms back and forth while running toward the ball. It helps to stabilize your upper body with your lower. Moving your arms faster while running will improve the speed of your legs.

Increase Your Foot's Flexibility

Create a "V" shape with your shooting leg. Make a narrow V before shoot increase your foot's momentum for a powerful kick.

Keep Your Posture Intact

Try to stay in an upright position for more accurate kicks. You may lean forward or backward if it makes you more comfortable. However, avoid lean too far in one direction.

Angle Your Body

Like creating the angle of your non-kicking foot, you should also angle your body in the direction you aim your ball.

Now it's time to kick!

There are different reasons and forms to kick the ball, such as kicking it to pass it to other players, shooting it in a specific direction, or simply practicing with your teammates.

Step 2: Passing the Soccer Ball

Passing the ball with your toes is not a good idea. Passing the ball from the inside of your foot allows you to cover a wider surface area, leading to a perfect kick.

Once you start playing, you need to follow through, keeping your foot close to the ground. Don't lift your foot too much from the ground for short passes. Following through a few feet is ideal for making passes on the ground.

Note − Notice the spin of the ball. The ball should spin vertically in the air when you make an inside-of-the-foot pass. If it does not, you need to lock your ankle.

Lean back a bit and kick the ball in the air. In this stance, you need to completely extend your foot with the intention of lifting it several feet in the air. The ball will spin in the same vertical manner while making a pass in the air. 

Step 3: Shooting the Ball

Line up a few steps behind the ball, especially when going for a corner or penalty kick. Don't try to run from a far distance, as you are more likely to miss the ball.

Kick the ball by locking your ankle and keeping your foot stable. You should let the foot control the ball, not the other way around. Lift your leg in the air for a no-spin shot.

Accuracy is pretty crucial while shooting a ball. Use the top of your foot while kicking, instead of using your toes. 

Keep your toe pointed towards the ground during the follow-through. Sometimes a strong kick can launch both of your feet off the ground. Bring your legs back in the position to regain your speed and power.

Step 4: Learn Advanced Kicking Techniques

There are mainly 4 kicking techniques. Those are mentioned below.


You can hook the ball by kicking it inside of your foot by slightly turning it forward while you make the hit. Remember to follow through with the ball by keeping your foot at a 45‑degree angle.


For slicing a ball, you need to hit it with the outside of your foot with trailing your foot away from the ball as you kick it. In this method, you need to keep your foot at 45‑degrees facing the other way. This is practically the opposite of hook.


To chip the ball, you need to strike it from the top of your shoes, but don't use your toe. It's better not to follow through that much in this stance.


You need to hit the ball slightly below the middle and not too low to do a knuckle-ball effect. Make sure to kick in a way that the ball doesn't roll off your foot at all.

Knuckle is a rare stance that you only see from professionals like Ronaldo or Bale. Perfecting this stance requires practice and dedication, and of course, time.

Updated on: 17-Feb-2023


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