How to Get Better at Facing Your Fears, According to Science

Since ancient times, we have known that fear is an evolutionary instinct. It is instrumental in keeping us safe from anything that might harm us, from alligators in the swamps to other people who might try and rob or murder us.

The fear response system primarily involves the amygdala - a brain region controlling an individual's emotional responses. This part of our brain reacts quickly when we sense danger around us. The amygdala helps us to do this by sending signals to the rest of the brain, causing a "fight or flight" response which causes the release of adrenaline into our bloodstream and sudden changes in heart rate and blood pressure.

Fear is an instinctive reaction that we cannot control. So, we often perceive fear-inducing situations as "out of our control". Our fear response can trigger by anything from spiders to public speaking. It is a real struggle to face something you're afraid of. But what if I told you there are ways to change how you respond to fear?

How can we overcome the instinctive fear response and use our brains to face our fears better?

Let's look into top scientific methods to get over your fear −

  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy − Cognitive behavior therapy is a talking therapy that teaches you to regulate and control how you think. The goal of CBT is to change the way your brain thinks and processes emotions. The more you practice this skill, the better it becomes. This is a real technique to overcome the fear of any kind.

  • Mindfulness − Mindfulness means "being present in a particular moment, state or experience with awareness." Practising mindfulness allows us to see that we don't need to react in a certain way. When we are in a situation where we are frightened or anxious, we can respond by remaining calm and not giving in to our desires to run away from others or situations that trigger our fears.

  • Exposure Therapy − It is sometimes known as the "confronting your fears" form of therapy. Exposure therapy trains you to keep doing the things that make you afraid. The goal is to alter the way you react to circumstances that make you anxious. People who experience panic attacks or anxiety disorders gain from this type of therapy.

  • Cognitive Processing Therapy − Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) concentrates on altering the way you think rather than addressing feelings brought on by situations that cause dread and anxiety. Although this form of treatment is less common, it can be highly helpful in developing new coping mechanisms for difficult feelings and situations.

  • Relaxation Response − The relaxation response is an entirely natural state of mind that many overlooks because they're too busy worrying. When you're feeling stressed, taking a deep breath and focusing on the muscles in your body can be helpful. You'll notice that your muscles will relax, your heart rate will slow, and you'll feel less anxious.

  • Breathwork − Breathing exercises can help you to focus on your breathing deeply and calmly and help to calm your body. You can also try progressive muscle relaxation techniques to relax your whole body and allow more oxygen to flow into your bloodstream for healthy brain functioning.

  • Hypnotherapy − Hypnotherapy can be an effective way to help with anxiety disorders. Hypnotherapy is a talking therapy that uses a series of steps or procedures to help you relax, reduce emotional distress and control your body responses. It is one of the most well-known alternative therapies for reducing stress and emotional distress.

  • Movement − Doctors frequently advise their patients to try a physical activity, such as yoga, aerobics, dancing, or martial arts. One of the finest ways to centre oneself and let go of stress-inducing thoughts and emotions is through exercise.

  • Sleep − Sleep is essential for our health and well-being, and it appears that getting too little sleep might increase anxiety! When we are worn out, our brains naturally produce more cortisol, a stress hormone that increases anxiety and panic. Therefore, you're more likely to feel exhausted and anxious if you don't get enough sleep.

  • Acceptance − Acceptance is a beautiful idea, and it's one of the most important things you can do for yourself if you're dealing with anxiety and fear. When we accept things, even if it doesn't feel like "all is well," we begin to see that our anxieties aren't that bad after all. Once we accept our anxieties - they become easier to face and reduce.

  • Forgiveness − Forgiveness is essential to living a happy and peaceful life, but it can be tricky to implement. Forgiveness works best when you allow yourself to feel the fear you're experiencing without judgment or criticism.

  • Retreat − Retreats can be a great way to take a break from the stresses of life, relax and unwind. In our modern world, it's normal to feel like we're entirely overworked and overwhelmed with responsibilities, and that's why taking an occasional break can help you to start feeling more at peace with your life.

  • Get Moving − It's so easy to get stuck in our daily routines with work, family commitments, errands and chores that it can seem like there's no room for anything else. And while living our lives is essential, we need to be active and moving. This will allow you to get over fearful thoughts.

  • Meditate − This can be the easiest option when feeling stressed and anxious. Still, Ayurvedic medicine has used meditation for thousands of years to promote calm and relaxation. When you meditate, you enter a state where you are completely present with yourself, and your thoughts are no longer based on your worries or anxieties.


With these techniques, you can become better at facing your fears and will no longer feel as if you are helpless to stop your fear responses. By understanding how the fear response system works, we can become more self-assured about how to control it. This knowledge makes us better control our thoughts and reactions before situations make us panic.

Updated on: 06-Mar-2023


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